Monday, May 10, 2010

re: reunion in New York

Further to Patricia Abraham's inquiry - The reunion will be in 2011, not 2012. It would be nice to visit the African Burial Ground Monument as one of the activities. The display is well put together and I found it quite informative. It was opened a couple of months ago @ 290 Broadway in NYC and entry is free but a donation is suggested.
I ran into Janice Quamina last week in Queens, NY and that was a pleasant surprise.
"And this too will pass."
Brenda Alexander-Perez

1 comment:

Brenda Alexander-Perez said...

Thanks to the NY posse for inviting me to their meeting yesterday. Those present might not have realized how surprised I was to learn that they received only 3 responses to the survey asking how many people had planned to attend the 2011 reunion. Only 3!!! I know at least 40 Mausicans who told me they planned to attend. I received the survey from Buzzie in Dec. 2009. Seeing how vital this information is in the pre-planning stages, maybe the New Yorkers can send it out again. The reunion is set for July 26 to 29, 2011 in the Big Apple. Come on Mausicans, let’s support our family in NY; we always have a fantastic time when we meet. Let’s celebrate in 2011 for those who have left us.
Also, Mausicans in surrounding states, where are you?