Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Fellow Mausicans
"So they framed a partnership and called it Alex and Her... they called it Alex and her " I woke up with this song on my mind and found the lyrics via google. It may have gone beyond 63 - 65.... extremely funny play on words in the last line of each verse. Uncle Fitz had a really wide and interesting repertoire.
We had the usual May day local fishing contest on Monday... sending a photo of some of the catch. Also took a shot of our historic Silk Cotton tree which has been in my neighbourhood for hundreds of years... a runaway slave is said to have been hanged there... the village where the tree grows is called Cudjoe Head need I say more? I now know that there are 2 Mausicans in Antigua... are there more? what about the Leewards? We sometimes have a boat ( shared with Barbuda) which makes day trips to Montserrat from Antigua... does that give you an idea???????? It's meant to be a regular service but that is honoured more in the breach... is a good site to check
All the best. Pat
Photo showing closed and open silk cotton pods.
Some of the ones that didn't get away!
Pat Ryan

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