Thursday, March 11, 2010


How wonderful, the Mausica Weekly e-Mails feature is back. Thanks Errol.... It allows me to share my celebration of the life of Roland Gordon...... what a life... 'he was like salt... in everything... in everything cultural'
I last ran into Roland in a gateway on Charlotte Street downtown, at what we would call, a 'bend down mall'. he was selling African garments, including some lovely dresses. And his usual energetic style, he said:
"Gwen girl, ah so glad to see you..... ah keeping the Africa trade alive! We in the diaspora have to maintain the cultural links with the continent.... and sales really picking up.... same good quality as in the fancy boutiques ...."
May he rest in peace..... he has gone to guffaw with Myroon, Andre (Tanker), George Bailey, and the other great cultural icons..... I can see Mr. Maunday smiling at them... bemused, and happily so.
Gwen Williams

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