Thursday, December 03, 2009

RE: parang lime -7pm Friday Dec. 4

The address is the party room at 5580 Sheppard east (apartment bldg. on north east corner of Markham & Sheppard). Entrance is on Ormerod - 1 block north of Sheppard, off McCowan.
Turn right into the first driveway, then right again and proceed to the western end of the building. Use the small brown door on the west corner of the building. There will be a sign on the door. If you have difficulty call me at 416-262-9997 or Allum 416-910-1889.
We need to know how many people are coming by Thursday, as well as the number of guests.
Went to the NY group's meeting last Friday.
"And this too will pass."
Brenda Alexander-Perez

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