Saturday, December 26, 2009


Oh Dear!. Sylvia, how are you? I see that you need a copy of Mausica Music. A CD was indeed done. I am Anna Maria Mora (68-70) and am in Trinidad. I have only two more copies, one I will reserve for you. Note everyone that leaves one CD left. Sylvia, I will need your address, because I am about to post CDs out to Bertie Fraser, you should remember him. I can send yours out if I get your address. You can send an email to me directly. My email address is If you send the info. to me today or tomorrow I can send it out to you on Monday. I am going to the Post Office on Monday. They are 5USD you can add about 2USD for shipping. Again, all proceeds of this CD go to The Roland Maundy Foundation, which will provide scholarships in the tech/voc areas to deserving young people.
Anna Maria Mora

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