Friday, December 04, 2009

RE: Hi

Hi Errol,
It would be interesting to know and remind ourselves of how each hostel got its name. During my Bible readings of Acts of the Apostles where Paul was journeying to Italy, I came across a place named Fair Heavens. I was reminded of the Mausican name and wondered how and why that name, Fair Haven, was chosen for the hostel. It would be enlightening to know how that came about.
As for Villa Nova, my hostel, I remember Jean Cruckshank was leading the discussion. We had been notified before and there were a few suggestions. All seemed to like the Latin phrase, and the hostel being newly occupied, we found Villa Nova to be suitable. It would be interesting to know how names of the hostels came into being.
Let these memories warm our hearts as we go through the Advent Season.
Barbara Mellowes

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