Sunday, December 13, 2009


Hello fellow Mausicans. Just want to wish you all a happy and Holy Christmas in which we keep the Reason for the season fully in mind. I am happy to note that more and more fellow Mausicans are discovering the reunion programme and embracing it.
So Disney has last introduced a black Princess! Well Richardo ( Ricardo) Keens Douglas gave us the Nutmeg Princess before that and not for Box Office considerations. I was able to buy my copyof his story book at the Airport in Grenada as I left for home after the Reunion. It was the last copy in the bookshop AND it was autographed. I have since shared the story with children who attend the Saturday srory sessions at our Public Library... sniffing grated nutmeg, examining mace etc.
Best wishes for the year ahead. love and blessings... Pat
Pat Ryan

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