Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hi Errol,
Greetings. Thanks as usual for getting the Word out there to everyone. Such a wonderful job of networking. I am sure that you know that Brenda and I have been working on a mini reunion with the New York chapter and the Toronto group. There is a Boat Ride planned for Saturday June 7th going up the Hudson River for 5 hours with music, drinks et al. We are planning a Sunday Brunch for the following day to which everyone is invited. More details on the events later.
I just had a great conversation with Melvina Dick and will definitely keep her updated. Please, all the Mausicans in the New York area or wherever you are do contact us so we could all meet and keep the group alive and kicking. Let us try to make this a start to more exciting meetings maybe next in Toronto, then Washington all on the way to GRENADA.
Our group still meets every month and we have just had a very successful Annual Spring Luncheon with great entertainment and a good profit. We have established the Michael Dudley Dickson Memorial Scholarship fund in memory of our former President. We continue to solicit contributions to this fund which serves graduating high school students bound for college, with tuition awards.
For those of you who know Elmo Phillip, he now lives in the New York area and is the Vice President of our group. To those who need to contact me, here are my contact numbers:
Buzzie: 718-496-4998 Cell
718-525-8278 Home
Stay tuned.
Bernice "Buzzie" Tarradath

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