Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hello Errol,
Welcome back Errol. Glad you had a ball in TNT. Wherever and whenever Mausicans could gather together it's guaranteed to be a celebration.
My condolences to all who said farewell to loved ones. I'll lift them up in prayer. My wife, Marjorie, and I also celebrated the homegoing of her stepmother, Myra Nurse, in Brooklyn, NY, on April 2nd.
Hi Maura, I remember you. De gyul from Grande. Join us in NY and/or Grenada for the next reunion. It will be fantastic.
A closing note on my books. I had 1000 copies of Remember Wen? printed in Trinidad. Copies should be in the High Schools soon. For your personal copies of both books and the CD, contact my sister, Monica Chapman, at 640- 6040, in Dinsley.
Keep the news flowing. I look forward to it weekly.
God bless.
Rodney Foster.

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