Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hi Errol,
Thanks for all the info, Sorry to hear that Vangie's daughter died, my condolences to the family Vangie is a strong woman and would stand strong in this time of grief. I know that the Wingate crew of 69-71 would be close to her at this challenging time..... so keep the faith Vangie God is in charge.
On a brighter note, it's good to see Liz and Monty again.... stay up guys. Errol how could you be rewarded? You keep us up to date with our mates ,this is so refreshing ....ah thing we go have to talk to Max Richards bout you for some recognition next Independence......but ah eh think dems medals good enough for the work you doing. Keep strong my brother and God Bless.
Earl Alexander (Alex) 69-71
RE: On the passing of a patriarch
For Gerry Callender
"They say we should not grieve the dead
Who've moved on now to greater things
He took the road down which life led
To where the bells of freedom ring." Linda Edwards
He lives on in your gene pool, in all you do, in all you are. Be comforted that he had this fanastic innings.
What did the generation before us do, that added to their longevity?
They were fullof love for their fellow-men. They gave to charity,of the little they had.
They took an interest in all their surroundings, all news concerned them.
They walked, and walked, and walked.
They ate, not for recreation, but to replenish, repair and energize.
Their last meal of the day was consumed early enough, to burn up most before bedtime.
And most of all, they believed in, and trusted their creator, they knew life had purpose, and the primary part of that purpose was raising and loving their children.
May all Mausicans who see this, reflect on it.May it strengthen those in need of strengthening, and may you Gerry, walk always in the reflection of his grace.
Linda Edwards Romain.- Lecturer; English and History 1967-1969

Monday, April 21, 2008

Re: update
Hi all,
Gerry Callender's father passed away yesterday. The funeral will be on Wednesday April 23 at 10:30 am at Church of the Nativity - Sewells Road, just east of Neilson in Scarborough.
Brenda Alexander-Perez

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hi Erol,
I'm not sure if you have heard but Jerry Callender's dad, George Callender died this morning at Grand River Hospital, Kitchener. He was 99 yrs, just shy of his 100th birthday by 7 months.
He was an amazing man, an avid reader who followed with interest the politics of Trinidad & Tobago and the world. It was great that he did not suffer terribly. His funeral will be in Scarborough on Wednesday morning at 11:00am
May he rest in peace.
Magnell Robinson

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Re: Flyer for the Boat Ride June 7th in NY
Attached is the flyer for the Boat Cruise in NY...Thanks
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

Hi Errol,
Greetings. Thanks as usual for getting the Word out there to everyone. Such a wonderful job of networking. I am sure that you know that Brenda and I have been working on a mini reunion with the New York chapter and the Toronto group. There is a Boat Ride planned for Saturday June 7th going up the Hudson River for 5 hours with music, drinks et al. We are planning a Sunday Brunch for the following day to which everyone is invited. More details on the events later.
I just had a great conversation with Melvina Dick and will definitely keep her updated. Please, all the Mausicans in the New York area or wherever you are do contact us so we could all meet and keep the group alive and kicking. Let us try to make this a start to more exciting meetings maybe next in Toronto, then Washington all on the way to GRENADA.
Our group still meets every month and we have just had a very successful Annual Spring Luncheon with great entertainment and a good profit. We have established the Michael Dudley Dickson Memorial Scholarship fund in memory of our former President. We continue to solicit contributions to this fund which serves graduating high school students bound for college, with tuition awards.
For those of you who know Elmo Phillip, he now lives in the New York area and is the Vice President of our group. To those who need to contact me, here are my contact numbers:
Buzzie: 718-496-4998 Cell
718-525-8278 Home
Stay tuned.
Bernice "Buzzie" Tarradath

Friday, April 18, 2008

Re: Mausica's Most Famous Couple
Undoubtedly Mausica's most famous couple. The minister of 'do them back' and his wife might just be up there too.
Haydn Murray

Condolences to Evangeline, and to my Haven brother Reynold on the death of their daughter. Vangie, stay strong sister. Reynold, I love you my brother.
Theodore Lewis (Scratchy).

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Welcome back Errol. I missed the messages. Pat
Pat Ryan
I am hoping to reach Brenda and other Mausicans on the New York Committee. There are some of us here who would welcome some tickets for the June cruise, please. We'd like to continue being a part of the NY Chapter, period. Hudson Phillip would normally be our laison man but I haven't been able to track him down lately.
Plesae contact me at 917 297 7996.
Melvina Dick
My condolence to Evangeline Davis and Felix Edinborough. The loss of loved ones is always painful and very difficult to understand. May the God of All comfort grant you His peace and comfort.
Kay, I am fine. The family is well. I am out of the country at the moment but still very involved in Education.
Dr. Merle Baker 1966-68
Note: forwarded message attached.
Merle Baker
Hello Errol,
Welcome back Errol. Glad you had a ball in TNT. Wherever and whenever Mausicans could gather together it's guaranteed to be a celebration.
My condolences to all who said farewell to loved ones. I'll lift them up in prayer. My wife, Marjorie, and I also celebrated the homegoing of her stepmother, Myra Nurse, in Brooklyn, NY, on April 2nd.
Hi Maura, I remember you. De gyul from Grande. Join us in NY and/or Grenada for the next reunion. It will be fantastic.
A closing note on my books. I had 1000 copies of Remember Wen? printed in Trinidad. Copies should be in the High Schools soon. For your personal copies of both books and the CD, contact my sister, Monica Chapman, at 640- 6040, in Dinsley.
Keep the news flowing. I look forward to it weekly.
God bless.
Rodney Foster.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thanks to the many members of the Mausica family who sent me condolences on the death of my brother.
Felix Edinborough
Hi Everyone,
Just want to use this web-site to tell Maura that she has a double in Nassau. I went to a retreat and there was this girl playing the role of a devil in a play. She was a dead ringer for Maura, even the mannerisms were the same and I have not seen Maura for many years.
Don't forget Evangeline's husband, Reynold is also a Mausican and he, too, is hurting.
I have been in Trinidad since the night before Easter Sunday and am wondering how come no-one posted news on the website about the lime at Jack Warner's. I would have loved to see Fitzie.
Can someone give me the projected dates for the Grenada affair, please. Remember, not everyone is free for the entire summer and may have to make long range plans.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye
Hi Maura, Welcome ,welcome . I am very happy to see you on our website; actually I am delighted. I know that there is only one Maura Cooseelal from Sangre Grande as there is only one Buzzie from I hope to see you at the reunion in Grenada. Now that I have your email I'll contact you again and let's see if we can get Pearla (James) to get on the bandwagon too. I am still in New York, heading the Mausica NewYork chapter. I will certainly be in touch with you again.
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath
Maura, good to see your note, and to remember you as a dynamic member of our 1967-69 year group.
Theodore Lewis (Scratchy).
Re: Mausica Alumni
I am Anthony Murray (Mausican 1970 to 1972.)
Are you still updating the Web Site?
Are there any upcoming events?
Anthony Murray
Alphonsus told me recently that the Grenada team has met and soon we should be getting a report. Note that my email address is now:
Felix Edinborough
Re: what can I say?
Walton Edinborough, brother of Felix - 1963 - 1965 (Progues, Pierrot) passed away. He is being cremated in Trinidad today.
Evangeline Vincent-Davis' (1969 - 1971) daughter passed away in England.
The mini reunion in New York is still on - June 7 is a boat cruise up the Hudson in the evening.
Brenda Alexander-Perez
Re: More sad news
Hi Brenda,
I just got this piece of news from pass on and do the card thing or whatever. I just spoke to Felix. His brother died from a heart attack. Errol is down there and went to express his sympathies.
EDINBOROUGH: WALTON died on Sunday 30th March, 2008. Son of the late Louis & Irene Edinborough. Beloved husband of Norma Buguis-Edinborough. Father of Elizabeth Logan & Bernadette Edinborough. Father-in-law of Junior Logan. Brother of Harold, Cecil & Anthony (all deceased), Zilma, Rupert, Felix Edinborough & Frances Theresa Campbell. Grandfather of Jason & Josanne Logan. Funeral Mass at 1.00p.m. on Thursday 3rd April, 2008 from St. Finbar's R.C. Church, Morne Coco Road thence to the St. James Crematorium, Long Circular Road for Cremation at 3.00p.m. No flowers by request. A Collection will be taken up for St. Vincent De Paul Society. For enquiries call C&B 625-1170.
Conrad Thomas
Re: Death of Evangeline Davis's daughter
Evangeline's daughter died in England on 19th March.It is a very painful period for the entire family. Please keep them in prayer.
Mytle Spencer
Dear Merle,
I was just browsing through the newsletter and saw a note from you . I hope that I have rightly assumed that there could only be one Merele with whom I toiled in the heady YTEPP days. I am most happy to hear that you are doing well . That you have completed your doctorate. please up date me on what you are now doing with yourself . How are your children and husband.
Happy to have heard some innformation about you.
Kay Forde
Hello Dessa,
As part of a 2007 request of the former Miniser of Education, Senator, the Honourable. Hazel Manning , a team of Education Supervisors and Curriculum Offcers rewrote an updated version of the "Hstory of the Primary School Eduction System". This document may never reach the public domain, but I am willing to share with you, as we recorded it, some aspects of the origins and evolution of Music education in the primary schools....
Dr. Merle Dillon -Baker 1966-1968.
Errol we WILL miss the mail but you do deserve the break. Enjoy. pat
Pat Ryan
Hello Errol,
Although you are about to take your hiatus I must inform you that some Mausicans gathered at Jack Warner's on Easter Monday evening. It was on Jack and Maureen's invitation.
It was a simply delightful evening especially as our dear Fitzjames E. Williams was present (at 92) to reminisce with some of us such as Carl Smith, Fergie, Progues, Mennen Walker et al. Carla and Moze as well as Versil, Yvonne and some whose names I can't readily recall (esp.after some shots of champagne).
As usual, there was much to eat and drink as well as a wide variety and, as usual, the food was very tasty. Jack asked Progues and me to compile a directory of Mausicans who are here so that they can be contacted at short notice. In that regard I am now soliciting your valuable assistance since you are the best individual to provide such info for which we thank you in advance.
You will be here tomorrow so I shall be looking forward to our usual chat.
Travel safely.
Yours as ever EJ
P.S. I am copying this to Progues so that he'll remember to send me Ancil Ash's e-mail address.
Earl John
Re: Another Mausician writes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Errol,
My name is Maura Cooseelal from Sangre Grande, Trinidad. I accidentally came upon this web site after my son typed in my surname in the Search Box on Yahoo. I came upon Mausica Graduates and my curiousity peaked. I believe I have met you when you lived in Trinidad. I know you are married to Penny Gumbs who was my old school mate from primary school and the Superville family and my famil;y Goin-Cooseelal go back many years. I just wanted to update you a bit. Shirley Romain, was a Grenadian student who graduated in 1969. She died in Canada about 2 years ago. I am retired now but did enjoy my years immensely. I love it so much I returned to teach Remedial reading in the Secondary School. I work on a two year contract. Well Take care and keep up the good work.
Happy Easter to you and your family.
Maura Cooseelal '69
RE: updates
A short note to let you all know that Kay's sister passed away in Trinidad.
Brenda Alexander-Perez