Thursday, June 11, 2020

RE: Melbourne Inniss (72-74) 40 Night Celebration of Life

The Inniss family invites you to a Zoom call in loving memory of our beloved Melbourne Inniss, as we come together on the 40th night since his passing. We will start the evening with some reflections from family members, followed by those who would like to say a few words or share a memory. The call will take place from 7:30pm UK time (2:30pm US Eastern time / Trinidad time) on Thursday 11 June and full dial in details are laid out below. We look forward to having you join us as we celebrate the life of this great man.
See the Zoom Information below
Melmia Inniss is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: In Loving Memory of Melbourne Inniss (40 nights)
Time: ‪Jun 11, 2020 07:30 PM London
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Hermia Inniss 75

Saturday, June 06, 2020


Talking bout the recordings. One night we were working on an LP in the auditorium, and when we thought we were finished, they played it back and the problem ws not aeroplane landing or leaving Piarco (which everybody knows was one border of our cane field), as Peral Mulrain remembers, it was Mausica Crapo. WQe had to do over de whole ting.
Pearl I think that this particular LP was the one you were on.
The one that was circulated last week really did not include our year group, which was 1967-1969.
Whichever way, that is how it goes with Mausica. Because we had a vibrant alumni sometimes you are not sure who belonged to what group. I have been in the choir performing when it included on the same stage people who were pioneers, such as our beloved Trevor, but also people who came in 1969, tye year I graduated...with Pearl and Gwennie...people including  Lester, Jackie Gaspard, Corenza.
It will be a while before that Mausica flame could be extinguished.
Well they come to Mausica, from Talparo and MorugaAs dey reach in here dey from ArimaBut I see one in shanty Town, digging up de labasseShe want to tell me...she looking for specimen for Douglas.
Now I have apologised profusely to mausica women who at  the college when last we gathered there about four years ago.....I mean Carol-Ann, Babara Davis, Marie Louise, everybody else who was there and who were in the auditorium the night I sung that and was robbed frankoment, coming third instead of winning de crong. They gave it to Efebo.
Also, one lunch time, I was leaving the line having eaten and De Warden called me over to the high introduce me to Harry Joe and to tell him that I was the SCAMP who sang about the girls....and the Joe asked me about that...and if I was having that respect....and I cannot remember the rest of the exchange.....
Lord Scratchie, Second runner up in Calypso, 1968.....winner, 1969.
Oh OH, one more thing.
Because some of us got a third year in Mausica I was back there for 1969-1970. I tried to enter the calypso competition. Rutherford, Joe Stevens and others were luke warm. I cant remember how it all worked out. But I did had a song about Osbourne. That third year was helped me to understand juts what a joy being a bonafide Mausican was.
Nobody to thief orange with. No corridor to pelt anything.
Theodore Lewis 69


Thanks for input From Rodney Foster, Merle Baker-Dillon and Pearl Mulrain. Please hold all those wonderful stories so that the designated "collector" will compile wonderful narratives. Continue sending in your names according to hostels and years attended.
Bernice Stephens 65

Friday, June 05, 2020

RE: CAN WE Talk?

My Fellow Mausicans,
“Life is a series of responses in an ever-changing environment.”
Several years ago, I heard that definition of life on one of my daily commutes in Los Angeles, California. Today. I feel like shouting from the rooftops, “Stop this world. I want to get off.” According to my friend and fellow writer, the late  Vivian Patrick,  “Something Is terribly Wrong.”
Marvin Gaye wondered “What’s Going On?”
My Fellow Mausicans,  I am still in La Romain. I feel like a character in one of  Shakespeare’s  plays. ”Life is a stage and we are the actors and everyone has a part to play.” Brothers and sisters where are our stages today and what are our roles?
Today, Marjorie and I stood  with our heads bowed for eight minutes and forty-six seconds, in the same kitchen where we were preparing a  Memorial Day meal on May 25th. What will tomorrow bring? No one knows. George Floyd did not. Al Sharpton? What an eulogy. Will Humpy Dumpty sit on a wall? Will he have a great fall?
In one of my many conversations with Mr. Williams, he uttered a few words that haunt me daily, “You do It.”
Who is you? Is it I, me, Rodney, us, you, we, they. In English Language there is “You”. The impersonal you understood as the subject. In French, I recall they use the word “on”. Help me Mausicans.  Help me.
Let’s live our legacy. Now.
Rodney Foster. 66-68

Monday, June 01, 2020


Dear Jasper,
In response to your lack of knowledge about Arthur Benoit, that is sad unfortunate part but the true story reveals the beauty of being a Mausican. While at the College, for many of us,  especially  for some of us we just turned 18 and for the first time living away from home and family We were eager to embrace, learn and experience within boundaries everything that was inspiring and expanded our intellect, our sense of adventure and excitement. So when  we left Mausica,  like many of us including Arthur we were placed in either an old under developed country school or in the town schools that teemed with senior set- in -their ways; but either ways at schools with challenges , that made you draw on all your resources and experience. There we were the only senior teacher , or had to listen to older persons teach lessons or given the most difficult classes and we had to shine and sing all the Mausica songs and ensure that discipline was maintained and the children learned to read and write..
That was the story with Arthur after a short stint at his old home school in Plymouth, he was transferred to Parlatuvier a country school with  unshod children and was given the joint Standard and Four and Five all boys to teach in one class. He said he met that challenge and saw improvement but after some years there he migrated to Canada completed a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and Biology, got married there to his Tobago sweetheart, had their three children there and later returned to Tobago. He taught for a while at Bishops in Tobago  and later entered the Public Service where at his retirement he was the Permanent Secretary acting at the Police Service Administration at its Headquarters in Port-of-Spain. 
Bernice these are some of the true life stories that should be captured about the Mausicans and there continued efforts to lead the way in education not only in the classroom but by practice in their own lives. There are some beautiful Ladies and Gentlemen on the Cuba Tour Chat who have some fantastic stories. It maybe good to capture them now rather later as  
Dr. Merle  Dillon - Baker 1966-68

RE: La Porrinden

Aye, Pearl, thanks for bringing  “clarity” to Mr. Williams’ actions. According to Mr. Albert Mark, “What a naughty boy”. Fitzie was something else, oui.
I was too busy singing, dancing, wining up and harmonizing with meh pardnahs in de tenor section. I used to stand next to Selwyn Thompson, Sweet face, and Carl Caton. If yuh hear de blend. Sweet too bad. Other tenors were: Ivan Ragoonan, Micey, Miguel, Rawlins Manwaren, Glenville King, Ken Marshall,  and of course, Gregory Wallace, Gerry Callender, and Lloyd Brown. Forgive me if ah forget some names.
So long for now.
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 66-68

RE: Those were the days!

Yes Rodney you are so right about our producing those albums in the auditorium. They definitely were gruelling experiences with those airplanes passing overhead - take 1, take 2.We really had guts. In the night when we should have been sleeping (or chessing for some) we had to compete with those planes. But those were the days. I wouldn't trade them for the world. I also remember when we had to fulfill an engagement as a choir and as we were passing through the Beetham on our way to Port-of-Spain, and trying to avoid the foul stench that emanated therefrom, someone in the bus would echo the words of June Joseph ' DEEP DIAPHRAGMATIC BREATHING! Those were the days!
Pearl Yvonne Mulrain 69


Hello Gwen,
My Barataria Sistah.
Mausicans were a Blessed Group. Large enough to create our Legacy.
Bernice, I lived in Sunset Villa from 66-67 and Fair Haven from 67-68, so I’ll make contributions for both hostels.
Gwen. The Peters were well respected. I remember a tall , serious- looking woman leaving your yard who may have been one of the first women- police officers in  Trinidad.  What  was her relationship to you?  I don’t remember “sampling” fruits from your yard.
Sorry to hear of Barbara’s passing. She was one of Barataria’s finest. Once I lent her and Eleanor two comic books that I had borrowed from a friend. Andrew Achoy. When I went to collect them, their mother admonished me, “Sonny boy, don’t lend my daughters  any more comics.” Girl, not even Bolt coulda ketch me dat evening. May she rest in peace.
So long for mow.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 68


Condolences to those who lost loved ones and blessings on the others.  
Lily Walker 67