Wednesday, August 23, 2017


On behalf of the members who organized Reunion 2017, I express our sincere appreciation to all Mausicans, their spouses and other relatives who attended the recent reunion. Thanks for your support and participation which enabled us to renew acquaintances and once again reminisce on those glorious and unforgettable two years at the best Training College in T&T.
In 2013 Alumni were taken to Tobago, Valencia, San Fernando and Point Fortin. This year we went to Diego Martin, Massa Nature Park in Central Trinidad and toured the East Coast of the island. Once again we returned to base for the annual concert...this time featuring our calypsonians.
Many of us, some for the second time, also viewed the award winning 'Ninth Floor' produced by Selwyn Jacob. As usual, to bring the curtains down we dined and danced at the Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre. Thanks to everyone who assisted in making Reunion 2017 another memorable event.
Thank you also for your feedback which has been carefully considered. Volunteers are needed to organize Reunion 2019. Please contact members of the current committee so that proper handing over can take place. Your early response is appreciated as planning for a cruise must begin soon. Yes, as was announced at the dinner, most Alumni selected a cruise for 2019. Other choices were Cuba and Canada.
Thanks again and as Brenda said last week  "a l'horizon 2019"
Regards to safe.
f/Organising Committee
Angela McAlister 72

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