Tuesday, February 23, 2016

RE: Oh Mausica...Oh Mausica...

T.G.I.F. WHY?  because The Mausica blog appears then and it's delightful to me even if there's correspondence from one person!  I do hope more of us will get back on board.
Funny how just a name can send goose bumps. Love eh!  I treasure my two years ('70-'72) so the name MAUSICA is nostalgic.
Most of the folks referred to or who write in are not familiar to me because of their year group and...because I do not attend most reunions. Me aculpa. (Oh! Well...I did go to Tobago in 2014.)
Recently I caught up with Maureen Providence (Sotillio), and in chatting about Mausica, she was in admiration of Euline Fox who apparently attends most if not all the Reunions!  Yes? Take a bow, Euline.  We were in the same year group, and they were in Villa Nova while I was in Wingate.  I know we were each proud of our respective hostels.
Say 'GRELL CUP'!  I never saw gardens grow overnight like that and rooms transformed from 'plain Jane' to 'Cinderella princess!  WOW!
I learnt to appreciate 'porridge' when in the late night of studying and tummy growling, Pamela Lewis would put on a pot of sago or cereal of some sort and like Oliver Twist, we asked for more..
I really hope the next Reunion is in Trinidad! God willing, I shall attend. It's special thanks to the organizers and of course to those who try to maintain the spirit even as we continue to 'mould a nation through service'.
I wrote this three days ago,debating whether or not to send it. Then... last night I heard of the passing of Judith Lennard Hills('70-72) and decided to add this bit and press SEND! .  May she rest in peace.   Condolences to Kirkandaleans especially.
Leonora de Verteuil  1970-72.   Proud to be...

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