Friday, February 26, 2016


Dear Errol,
I am so sorry to hear about Judith's death. Although we were not in the same year group, I remember her very well from other Mausican activities and from being in the teaching fraternity.
This month is a sad and reflective time for teachers. I made it a point to attend the National Consultations on Education both at UWI and at SAPA. I saw quite  a few retired Mausican teachers there. We were there because, although we are out of the education system, we care passionately about what is happening with our children in schools. There is so much that is happening that is wrong and need to be fixed. Many contributors blamed parents as though the family were the only socialization agency. Our society needs to accept that our children are living in a socially toxic environment and all the agencies of socialization, the family , education system, the community, and the mass media have a role to play. Labelling children and isolating them will yield the benefits we seek.
On another note, the Children's Authority, of which both nna Maria  Mora and I  are members is seeking foster carers. If you have a strong desitre to nurture and care for children ,have appropriate housing and have experience or skills in dealing with children and wish to foster a child on short -term or longer term please contact the Authority and express your interest. Please email them at or phone 627-0748 extension 2012 or 2132.Every child deserves a happy childhood and the best care that can be provided them
Have a great week.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70

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