Saturday, February 01, 2014


Fellow Mausicans,
There is much pain pulsating from our nation these days and I agree that there is need for prayers, plenty, plenty prayers. But with the prayers must come practice, teaching practice. We must continue to use the chief tool of our vocation, our spoken words. One of the saddest situations we face in our country today is that many adults are now afraid to speak to young people about the wrong they see them doing. I am among the first to admit that times are different and that there is need for caution, but there are necessary risks that we must take if we desire improvement. We meet our children every day; we meet them everywhere. We must continue to whisper the warnings to them. We must remind them of the choices they can make. They are most our precious assets and we must continue to make every effort to protect them.
Blessings and love, joy!!!
Joy Valdez 74

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