Friday, January 20, 2012


That's how I like to see the blog... lots of input.   I am cool with any dates for the Reunion.   Who talked about  "getting old" ?  Mausicans, don't go there, even if we have to use a walking stick or a zimmer frame, attach a ribbon to jazz it up.
Have we decided on a theme for the Reunion?  I would like us to visit the College site, at least to say a prayer and sing some of the old songs to let the spirits that roam there know we have not forgotten where we started.  This could be a daytime event.
Does anyone have  photos of the hostel flags?  I would like one of the Kirkendale flag  please.
The year is flying fast.  Mausicans who have July commitments should indicate as we want as many as possible to be at the reunion.
Be blessed.
Pat Ryan

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