Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Mausican brothers and sisters
Today, April 10, 2011 ,  I completed a 5k walk in about one hour. MY first attempt at anything like that.  I was 7th out of 7 walkers and was motivated by the promise of a T shirt for completing the course!...  a souvenir related to the  scientific conference held  earlier in the week to contemplate inter alia the 15 year story of our ongoing volcanic eruption.  July 18 2011 will mark the 16th anniversary ... how time flies! We used to think it would all be over in a very short while.   The conference was a great success and was attended by scientists from all over the world, some visiting the island for the first time.
In the news this morning I heard that the No 1 walker made it in 42 mins 8sec... so this senior did well. There were about 15 runners and the winner got in at 22 mins  approx.. I came away with a souvenir pen.... apparently the shirt was just bait for which I fell, but I confess that when I was tempted to throw in the towel it was the shirt that kept me going!
Some people funny eh?   My motto   THE VIRTUE LIES IN THE STRUGGLE, NOT THE PRIZE   MY mantra during the challenging parts of the walk  THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH AND MY SALVATION    Best wishes, Pat
Pat Ryan

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