Friday, October 16, 2009


It was such a joy to read below of accolades extended to Desmond Waite the music icon from T & T who delivered the Lise Waxer Memorial Lecture at York University.
Desmond is indeed an enduring national treasure and my postgaduate students at the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, University of the West Indies still recall his memorable guest lecture on "Bringing a Steelband to the Pan Trinbago Music Festival". This was in the Masters in Human Resource Management course, Training Systems and Instructional Development.
Congratulations are truly in order to Desmond and may God continue to bless him richly. Our 'Harry Jo' must be looking down beaming at the immense contribution of yet another Mausican..... So too, Mrs. Cuffie and Mr. Williams... indeed, all Mausican!!
Gwendoline Williams

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