Thursday, May 14, 2009

RE: Mausica reunion
Errol, Please add this to the notices:
1. Anyone who would like to MC the proposed show at the reunion please contact me at
2. As already stated in the notices, there has been a request for children's books for a library. We are looking at books that would suit ages 5-12, preferably literarure (especially stories) that would appeal to the ethnic diversity of the Caribbean.
If 100 people bring 1 book each we shall have 100 books.
If 100 people bring 2 books each we shall have 200 books.
And if 100 people bring 3 books each we shall have 300 books.
And if 100 people bring...
The Maths is very simple regardless of your mathematical proficiency.
We look forward to a well stocked library.
We can even put some music to this to remind us to bring books.
Love and Blessings, Felix
Felix Edinborough

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