Thursday, May 14, 2009

RE: Books For Grenada
My Fellow Mausicans,
On Sunday I spoke with Mrs. Helen Pyne Timothy., a former lecturer at MTC. I informed her of our upcoming reunion in Grenada and our intention to donate books to schools and libraries there..
Mrs Timothy has a large collection of books that she would like to donate. NALIS has no room. She would gladly give some books to local schools and Grenada. She can be contacted at 625-5230.
Could someone in Trinidad contact the Grenada Consulate and arrange for the collection and shipping of the books that Mausicans and other donors would like to donate?
While on the topic of gifting, I would like to suggest, if it hasn't been done already, the donation of Mausica memorabilia to NALIS and UWI Library.
See you in the Spiceisle.
As usual,
Rodney Foster
Stone Mountain, GA.

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