RE: Expanded accommodation possibilities
Dear Errol,
Many thanks for today's e-mail. Was this second e-mail too late you?
Fraternal Regards.
----- Original Message -----
Dear Errol,
We are pleased to submit the attached expanded Accommodations Information list as and would appreciate your kindness in circulating it through your smart network with the maximum expedition your obviously busy schedule would permit.
Many thanks and God Bless.
Alphonsus Antoine
For Reunion Planning Committee.
Dear Errol,
Many thanks for today's e-mail. Was this second e-mail too late you?
Fraternal Regards.
----- Original Message -----
Dear Errol,
We are pleased to submit the attached expanded Accommodations Information list as and would appreciate your kindness in circulating it through your smart network with the maximum expedition your obviously busy schedule would permit.
Many thanks and God Bless.
Alphonsus Antoine
For Reunion Planning Committee.
Short walk to beach
• Towne & Country (Pandy Beach. 5 minutes drive to Grand Anse Beach) …… 444 4516. (Suitable group of close friends). Can call a taxi use a mini-bus but may be more comfortable with
• South Winds (Grand Anse Beach) 444 4344.
• Wave Crest Holiday Apts (Grand Anse Beach) 444-4116
• Grand View Inn (Grand Anse & Blanco’s Beach) 444-4984
• Lexus Inn……………………………………. 444 4780
Very Short Walk to Grand Anse Beach
Roydon’s …………………………………444 4476.
(Best value-for-money of near-to-Grand Anse properties. Gold Standard small property)
Flamboyant Hotel Villas …….. 444-4247 (Modicum of “upscalism”)
Blue Horizon ……………. 473-444-4316. (Somewhat upscale)
On the Beach (Grand Anse Beach). Very good and Regular well-managed properties.
Gems Holiday……………………………… 444 4224
Grenada Grand Beach Resort..………………444 4371
Grand Anse Beach Palace ………………… 439-1412
Allamanda Beach Resort…………………….444 0095
Somewhat more upscale Properties -On Grand Anse Beach.
• Coyaba Beach Resort ………………………444 4129
• Spice Island Inn ………………………. 444-4258
Somewhat more upscale Properties -On Other Near-By Beaches.
• Calabash Hotel & Villas (L’Anse aux Epines Beach) 444-4334
• Rex Resort (Pt. Salines Beach. Near Airport) 444-3333.
• Coral Cove Cottages (Small L’Anse aux Epines) A tiny modicum of “Upscalism”. Own transport recommended.
Deyna’sCity Inn…………………………….435 6830
Tropicana Inn……………………………….440 1586
1. All recommended properties are close to proposed main centre on activities and are of acceptable standard or better.
2. Except where something is recommended, one can very reasonable work with public transport, mini-busses (Maxi-taxis) for all properties on Grand Anse Beach or a short walk there-from. Public transport to-from Grand Anse is very good.
3. Except where own transport is recommended all upscale properties have on-hand Taxi Services. For upscale properties on beaches other than Grand Anse, own transport may e a consideration – a rented vehicle.
Short walk to beach
• Towne & Country (Pandy Beach. 5 minutes drive to Grand Anse Beach) …… 444 4516. (Suitable group of close friends). Can call a taxi use a mini-bus but may be more comfortable with
• South Winds (Grand Anse Beach) 444 4344.
• Wave Crest Holiday Apts (Grand Anse Beach) 444-4116
• Grand View Inn (Grand Anse & Blanco’s Beach) 444-4984
• Lexus Inn……………………………………. 444 4780
Very Short Walk to Grand Anse Beach
Roydon’s …………………………………444 4476.
(Best value-for-money of near-to-Grand Anse properties. Gold Standard small property)
Flamboyant Hotel Villas …….. 444-4247 (Modicum of “upscalism”)
Blue Horizon ……………. 473-444-4316. (Somewhat upscale)
On the Beach (Grand Anse Beach). Very good and Regular well-managed properties.
Gems Holiday……………………………… 444 4224
Grenada Grand Beach Resort..………………444 4371
Grand Anse Beach Palace ………………… 439-1412
Allamanda Beach Resort…………………….444 0095
Somewhat more upscale Properties -On Grand Anse Beach.
• Coyaba Beach Resort ………………………444 4129
• Spice Island Inn ………………………. 444-4258
Somewhat more upscale Properties -On Other Near-By Beaches.
• Calabash Hotel & Villas (L’Anse aux Epines Beach) 444-4334
• Rex Resort (Pt. Salines Beach. Near Airport) 444-3333.
• Coral Cove Cottages (Small L’Anse aux Epines) A tiny modicum of “Upscalism”. Own transport recommended.
Deyna’sCity Inn…………………………….435 6830
Tropicana Inn……………………………….440 1586
1. All recommended properties are close to proposed main centre on activities and are of acceptable standard or better.
2. Except where something is recommended, one can very reasonable work with public transport, mini-busses (Maxi-taxis) for all properties on Grand Anse Beach or a short walk there-from. Public transport to-from Grand Anse is very good.
3. Except where own transport is recommended all upscale properties have on-hand Taxi Services. For upscale properties on beaches other than Grand Anse, own transport may e a consideration – a rented vehicle.