Saturday, December 13, 2008

Finbar and Scratchie, allyuh brave oui, me eh sayin nutten bout Hazel singing. Her elocution was perfect, I understood everything that she was sayin. Ah cyah protek allyuh. We will have to hire SAUTT,(Special Anti-Crime Unit of Trinidad and Tobago) fuh dat. Stan allyuh bounce fellas. Allyuh in mih prayers more now. Anyway, I was just going to send out an SOS for Felix, trying to find out WHERE IN THE WORLD IS FELIX EDINBOROUGH? He probably heard me telepathically because now I know where in the world he is.
As to Grenada, Howard Spencer went to Grenada a week after the Trinidad event and he offered to do some checking for us. I hope that Howard is online so that he could give us some idea of what he found re: the guest houses and hotels. I also gave him Alphonsus' numbers. He said that he will get in touch with Alphonsus. Howard, how did it go?
Pat Allum Ryan has also asked if any one in Grenada knows Yvonne Mahy, she thinks that she has a brother called George Mahy, she wishes to touch base with her. If anyone can give that info, please let Pat know, or let me know and I will pass it on to her.
Anna Maria Mora

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