Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hello to everyone in my Mausica Family.
It was an absolute delight to meet so many members of the clan in Tobago this year. I can't wait for 2009, God's willing it. The year opened with tears , but is ending with smiles. Congratulations to all the authors and other achievers. Keep on keeping on. Where ever we go we seem to shine in spite of circumstances. I feel blessed to be a Mausican.
Errol, hats off to you for keeping this thread of communication going among us. I commend you wholeheartedly ! You deserve the award and much more for all your effort. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to wish everyone ..... All the happiness of Christmas ....... and .......I hope we all a have a a wonderfully blessed New Year 2,008
Peace and much love
from Myrdith Osborne (64-66)

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