Thursday, April 11, 2019

RE: Distant memories

Pictured here are those handsome,vibrant  gentlemen (1967) ,victorious marchers....
Fair Havenites 1st  and 2nd yrs  together.
Bottom row stooping  we have Enal Meighoo,Gregory Wallace and the shaded Stow(Bethelmy)
Standing are...Yours truly  Ivan,Kenneth Braveboy (Grenada?),Emmanuel,Photogenic Kanhai Kangal,Winsley Belille?,Achong Ling And half of Michael Murrell.
I taught Agri Sc as a Tech Voc at Barataria JS along with Michael  Murrell and Shyam Dass(1997).also met Kangal as an Agri Sc  primary school garden judge (1992) and Achong Ling  ,we both did UWI courses together.
Discovered this shot ,along with a few others,hidden for decades.Hope it jars our ageing
brains to relive great and precious memories.God’s blessings all...Ivan R(66/68)
Ivan Ragoonanan 68

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