Friday, April 12, 2019


Rodney, do you know Grace the storyteller? Well Grace and Trevor(her husband) returned to her homeland in their later years and decided to build their retirement home in Bacolet. Our home ,the Kariwak Village was their second Tobago home and Grace used our signature Ajoupa teak platform to tell her stories on a Sunday evening. With her global network of storytellers, others would drop by from time to time...imagine the treat...others like Felix Edinborough ,Farida Chapman and the Dalai Lama have shared,blessed and energized our space. Two and a half uninterupted hours in the presence of the Dalai Lama in 1995 was awesome. Grace and Trevor after many years chose to return to Ireland. Tobago started to throw them some awkward challenges which wore them down as they aged.Fortunately,they succeeded in selling their house and getting their money out to resettle...thank God !  Grace has retuned to visit on two occasions...thinking that each time would be last visit...she's very frail but her spirit is strong...I somehow feel we will meet again...a real icon.
Allan Clovis 65

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