Hi Mausican Family
Hope you all had a blessed Easter weekend.
As we draw closer to our deadlines, I want to remind you of the following..........
1] Check your information flyer;
2] Our first deadline is here for those travelling from Trinidad;
3] If you have nor registered as yet - you need to do so as quickly as possible, as we make our down payment to CAL by the end of the week;
4] Our OVERSEAS participants - although you are making your own air travel arrangements [if not travelling out of T & T] to get to Cuba, you still need to register with us for the Accomodation/ Tour/ Meals etc.
Even if you book a hotel on your own, you would NOT be able to join us on the tours, as this is being organized by an Agency and they need names and payments in advance here in T & T; Please read the information flyer with the deadline dates.
It is not too late, but you must speak up NOW.
Hoping to see ALL of you on this trip to CUBA. God bless and awaiting your responses.
Carol Brown 74