Thursday, May 04, 2017

RE: Reunion 2017

My Fellow Mausicans,
Calling all Mausican calypsonians. Ah fraid tuh call names.  Last time ah call tenors because I was in de tenor section. Meh roommate, Carlsbury Gonzalez , who was in de bass section , get jealous .  He want tuh know how come ah leave out he name.
Ah will name a few calypsonians we would like to tuh hear again: Felix, Ramdoo, Efebo, Cox, Scratchy, Gelly, Happy, Rutherford, Ritchie, Cecile Nicholson/Annette Alfred, Agnes Howell, Maria, Joe Stephens,  de fella living in England,, Gregory Byrne, Osuna and so many others. Everybody welcome.
Aye Cutty, walk wit yuh guitar and cuatro.. Iron men  walk wit yuh iron. Wallace bring yuh chac chac.. Let's return tuh MTC an have ah good time. Guest artistes welcome too. So Crepsole, Rolly Bain, join de fete.
Contact Carl Caton and de Pplanning Committee.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68

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