Thursday, May 25, 2017

RE: The history of Mausica Kaiso.

Thursday 25th. March, 2017
My Fellow Mausicans.
Carl Caton and I are working together to take you "Down Memory Lane" via Mausica Kaiso. We need your input.
If you have any info or suggestions that you feel would be helpful in building this Mausica Priority Kaiso Route, please contact Carl Caton at    868-625-0996, 868-625-4025. Email:  For example , When was the first year of  a Kaiso competition; the winners, the songs, the lyrics, the winning hostel, any female contenders, the topics, the prizes, the bands that backed them at the Carnival fetes, the Mausican arrangers and musicians, the Mausicans who could attend the event and belt out their tunes, etc, etc, etc.
Howard, Carlston, Finbar, Alisford, Joe, Happy, Rutherford, Errol, Barbara, Efebo, Clive, Paddy, Maria, Angela, Leroy, videographers  artists and others. We need your help.
Call Carl now.
You may also contact me at 404-501-9277., Atlanta, GA.
Happy Memorial Day. Thanks for all those who gave their lives to make our world a better place.
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 66-68

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