Friday, May 26, 2017


Hi Errol,

Thanks again for enabling us to be in touch with each other.
Thanks also to all who have registered to attend our up-coming Reunion.

  • The deadline for informing of your attendance at the other activities is May 31st 2017.
  • You need to indicate your shirt size if ordering one.
  • A copy of the bank deposit slip is to be sent to Sheila Warner at
  • We need to know in advance if some of you are really planning to attend.
The group code for making hotel reservations is MAUSTE. Reservations can be made by either
Please use the code MAUSTE to get our special hotel rate.

Looking forward to seeing you again.
Angela McAlister 72

Thursday, May 25, 2017

RE: The history of Mausica Kaiso.

Thursday 25th. March, 2017
My Fellow Mausicans.
Carl Caton and I are working together to take you "Down Memory Lane" via Mausica Kaiso. We need your input.
If you have any info or suggestions that you feel would be helpful in building this Mausica Priority Kaiso Route, please contact Carl Caton at    868-625-0996, 868-625-4025. Email:  For example , When was the first year of  a Kaiso competition; the winners, the songs, the lyrics, the winning hostel, any female contenders, the topics, the prizes, the bands that backed them at the Carnival fetes, the Mausican arrangers and musicians, the Mausicans who could attend the event and belt out their tunes, etc, etc, etc.
Howard, Carlston, Finbar, Alisford, Joe, Happy, Rutherford, Errol, Barbara, Efebo, Clive, Paddy, Maria, Angela, Leroy, videographers  artists and others. We need your help.
Call Carl now.
You may also contact me at 404-501-9277., Atlanta, GA.
Happy Memorial Day. Thanks for all those who gave their lives to make our world a better place.
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 66-68

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


This was sung when I was there.
"Well the folksong choir in Mausica,
is the greatest ever.
They give you variety, the tunes spicey,
and the please everybody.
People. who hear them say,
that the choir is here to stay."
Who has the time to collect and archive the songs of Mausica?
When it is done, I want a copy.
Speaking about archives, I know that Mr. Williams, did some research and recorded the folk songs of Trinidad and Tobago, that were not recorded for the public.
Does anyone know what has become to that body of songs? Again, I would like to have a copy, whenever it is found.
Garth Nicholas 71

RE: Pictures from Past Reunion

Carlston A. Gray 74

RE: Pictures from Past Reunions

Carlston A. Gray 74

RE: Some of us won't make it.

Some Mausicans won't make the next Reunion, simply because they can't. Find a reason to enjoy the fullness of life. See you in July.
Carlston A. Gray* 74

RE: Correction!

My Fellow Mausicans,
I stand corrected.
Pat Castagne composed "Ice Man". Lord Melody sang the kaiso, backed by Cyril Diaz.
I did some research after chatting with Carl Caton on Saturday.
My first roommate, Leroy Cox, composed and sang "Farewell to Mausica". It's a classic.
Roommate, it would be a pleasure to have you  there in July, 2017. Ah hope yuh comin.
Please let us know.
We are planning to have a rehearsal in Dinsley. Fellas, walk wit ah bottle. Ladies bring some munchies.
Stay tuned for more info.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 68

RE: "You Do It."

My Fellow Mausicans,
In one of my many oletalks with our beloved Mr. Williams, we were discussing what needed to be done to make the world a better place. After trading many suggestions and ideas, Mr. Williams left me with a winner. In typical Fitzie style, he suggested "You do it."
Today, as I look around, I am happy to report that Mausicans are doing it. All over the world Mausicans are "Molding a  nation through service."
Every Jack and Jill are living the Mausica legacy. I am proud to be a graduate of MTC.
My Fellow Mausicans, let us continue to share the good news of our bretherin and sisterin.
Congrats to Selwyn Jacobs and meh cousin, Carlston,  in New Jersey and Brooklyn, NY. Sister Gwen, in 2007 or 2009 , you used a phrase that I would like you to expand. What is "a seamless education."? Ivan Ragoonan, what is your role at the Bronx Botanic Garden? Come on Mausicans , tell us what you are doing and where you are " doing  it"..
Aye Garth , it's good hearing from you.
Ah hope yuh coming tuh de Gala at Hilton tuh dance down de place. Dis year is Castilian, Ah hope Hilton have ah big dance hall.Wit you, Errol, Carl Caton and me we want plenty space! No postage stamp dance floor.  In 2013, ah had tuh ask Hyatt tuh increase de size of de dance floor. Yuh know how we Mausicans could dance. We better than Dancing With The Stars.
So long for now. Ah gorn.
Rodney Foster 66-68.

Friday, May 05, 2017

RE: Reunion 2017

My Fellow Mausicans
Would all Mausican calypsonians and musicians contact Carl Caton at 868-625-0996 H or 868-725-4025. Cell..
Carl needs your lyrics and music. Carl's father was the great Nelson Caton who composed a few road marches:
Do you remember "Dr. Nelson, you know what you said was true. Drink Teezan Dezoban."  ( Do a spell check )
I believe he also composed one for Melody. "Iceman."  Remember "Street cries in de city really does amuse me."
Call Carl ASAP.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68.


Thanks to all who have registered to date.
As we get closer to the Reunion, please be reminded of the following:
The next payment deadline is May 31st 2017.
Please indicate your shirt size if you are ordering same.
You must send us a copy of the deposit slip and include the activities for which you have paid. This can be done easily by photographing the slip and then sending it by WhatsApp to Sheila Warner at 1-868-781-4642.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Angela McAlister 72

Thursday, May 04, 2017

RE: Reunion 2017

My Fellow Mausicans,
Calling all Mausican calypsonians. Ah fraid tuh call names.  Last time ah call tenors because I was in de tenor section. Meh roommate, Carlsbury Gonzalez , who was in de bass section , get jealous .  He want tuh know how come ah leave out he name.
Ah will name a few calypsonians we would like to tuh hear again: Felix, Ramdoo, Efebo, Cox, Scratchy, Gelly, Happy, Rutherford, Ritchie, Cecile Nicholson/Annette Alfred, Agnes Howell, Maria, Joe Stephens,  de fella living in England,, Gregory Byrne, Osuna and so many others. Everybody welcome.
Aye Cutty, walk wit yuh guitar and cuatro.. Iron men  walk wit yuh iron. Wallace bring yuh chac chac.. Let's return tuh MTC an have ah good time. Guest artistes welcome too. So Crepsole, Rolly Bain, join de fete.
Contact Carl Caton and de Pplanning Committee.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68