Friday, February 06, 2015

RE: Reunion 2015

My Dear Mausicans,
We are trying to meet our first deadline. See attached document.  We need to provide numbers before we sign the contracts. So we need your help . Please send a response, letting us know of your participation.  Then it's on to Jamaica.  Looking forward to your reply. Please pass on to other Mausicans in your address book, Thanks
Carol Brown
for Organizing Committee Come  Mausicans”    Let us join hearts and hands  together.
The year is on the run and Reunion time will be upon us shortly.
Here is the information that you will need to make your decision:
Date:          July 19 to July 25, 2015
Venue:      Royal Decameron All Inclusive ;  Montego Bay;  Jamaica
From T & T:  via COPA Airlines
Cost:  $8809.00 TT   (Double Occupancy)
** Info on Single Occupancy, please check Angela McAlister at   487-7705  or
Includes:  Air Fare;  Transfers;  Accomodation; Food and use of all amenities and facilities.

Payment Schedule:   Registration fee of $350.00 TT   and   Downpayment of $1500.00 TT
(At this time monies can be paid to Sheila Warner  / Angela McAlister until contracts have been signed)
All persons attending must pay the Registration Fee to Sheila Warner

When:    Now       AC#  870013588231 (Republic).
 (Please contact Sheila / Angela to confirm your participation and to make arrangements for payment)
We need to give a final figures  re: the plane seats this week
  Senior citizens are asked to submit a copy of the bio page in their passport with their downpayment  to be exempted from the departure tax.

Carol (Weekes) Brown 74

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