Thursday, January 01, 2015


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May the Lord bless us and keep us in this year ahead.
Yes there is a Reunion this year and the details follow.
Date - 19th -25th July 2015
Venue - Royal Decameron Montego Beach Hotel, Montego Bay, Jamaica
Cost - (i) Non-refundable Registration TT$350.00/US$60.00 per person is payable by all participants. This will offset the cost of tokens, shirts, name tags, programmes, incidentals.
(ii) TT$ 8809.00 per person double occupancy. This includes the following:
1. Return airfare on Copa Airlines - Trinidad/Jamaica/Trinidad. (Caribbean Airlines does not fly to Montego Bay).
2. Transfer Airport/Hotel, Hotel/Airport
3. 6 nights at hotel -all-inclusive concept
4. Area for group membership registration and cocktail
5. Dinner for the group at one of the a la carte restaurants on the last night
This package is organized by Lazzari and Sampson, to whom a down payment of half the cost is to be paid by January 31st 2015 in order to secure our plane seats.
The cost per package for persons who are not travelling from Trinidad will be posted next week. You will be responsible for your travel arrangements to and from Jamaica.
Only the Registration fee is to be paid to the Organising Committee;  all other payments are to be made to Lazzarri and Sampson.
Tours are optional and the cost will be additional. These are still to be decided.
Registration Forms/arrangements for payments will be posted soon.
Enjoy the rest of the Season and  please be safe.
Angela McAlister
For and on behalf of the Organising Committee
Angela McAlister 72

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