Thursday, January 29, 2015


This is a reminder that Reunion 2015 will be in Montego Bay, Jamaica from 19th - 25th July 2015. We will be at the all-inclusive Royal Decameron Montego Beach Hotel where  we will  celebrate Mausica style.
If you are unable to register by January 31st, please indicate your intention to attend as numbers are needed for blocking airline seats. You may contact any of the Mausicans listed below-
Sheila Warner -
Carol Brown -
Angela McAlister -
Remember '...the goal is for us to be together and the camaraderie will happen as it always does'.
The Registration Form is attached.
Angela McAlister 72

MAUSICA REUNION JULY 19th – 25th  2015

NAME____________________________                       YEAR GROUP___________
TEL. NO.__________________________              EMAIL_____________________
Name others accompanying you __________________________  (Mausican/No)
                                                            __________________________  (Mausican/No)
                                                            __________________________  (Mausican/No)
Registration Fee TT$350/US$60 per person  for all participants.
This will offset the cost of tokens, shirts,
 name tags, programmes, incidentals

 TT$ 8809 per person double occupancy
Return airfare, transfers, hotel accommodation, cocktail, dinner
NB: Persons travelling from Trinidad

Down payment $

Balance $
 TT$ 4908 per person double occupancy
Hotel accommodation, cocktail, dinner
NB: Persons making their own travel arrangements

Down payment $

Balance $

Registration Fee is to be deposited to Republic Bank Acc’t. #  870-013-588-231. You must forward a copy of the deposit slip to  Sheila Warner  (
Payment for airfare,  accommodation etc.  is to be made directly to Lazzari and Sampson.
Deadline for payment of Registration Fee and Down Payment is January 31st 2015 in order to reserve plane seats and accommodation.
NB: Tour suggestions will be circulated shortly.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Forgive me my Mausica family. My sister name is Ursilla Charles. She worked with the Min. of Ed. and Community Dev. in St Patrick over a number of years teaching Handicraft. Some of you mausicans will surely have come into contact with her during those years. She died at age 72 years.
Ansel Knights 71


To my Mausica family. We have all at sometime experienced the enemy death. I too have lost a sister, the elder of the two that I have on 21st Jan. 2015. She lived at 121 Lagoon Drive Point D'or La Brea. The funeral will be on Monday 26th Jan. 2015 at La Brea S. D. A Church at 3.00pm. Thanks for your care and support
Ansel Knights 71

Friday, January 23, 2015


Dear Errol,
For those of us Mausican who had the privilege of the interacting with Mr. Fitzjames Williams, as Mausica's Student Warden and Folk Choir co-leader (with Mrs. Cuffie) up until about 1970... some good news.
Mr. Williams  is celebrating 97 years and looks really very fit.... one might say a strong 85.
We remember him fondly at Mausica  as an on Campus 'parent', along with Mrs. Cuffie, Harry Jo, Fanny Roopchand, Matron, Scantie, Mr. Maundy and so many others...
Mr. Williams is resident at the Bethel Home for Senior Citizens in Arima. It would be nice to visit him or make telephone contact at 664 3631.
Gwendoline Williams (1967-1969)


I know that we have reached that time in our life when the loss of a loved one becomes more and more inevitable and we have all experienced it, so we know what Joan and Linda are going through and we are sometimes at a loss for words of consolation. I would like Joan and Linda to know that we understand your pain and we all pray that you will be comforted. Experience has taught me that we cannot run away from grief but we must let it have its way though we do not ponder on it, for there will be good days when we will feel positive knowing that our loved ones are in a better place, but then the inevitable sad moments will come. We know, however, that this is for a time, and we must not let these feelings overcome us but let them remind us that this is a moment of prayer.
Felix Edinborough 65


Greetings from T&T.
The organizing committee is very appreciative of all your comments/suggestions, some of which we are able to accommodate.
Attached is the Registration Form. Please remember you must send a copy of the deposit slip to Sheila Warner (
I hope to see many at the Dutch Brunch this Sunday. Registration and down payment will be accepted.
Let us remember, as one Mausican says, that  '...the goal is for us to be together and the camaraderie will happen as it always does'.
See you soon
Angela McAlister 72

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

RE: Reunion 2015

I love Carlston's excitement for Reunion 2015 even though he might have a strong bias for Jamaica.
Ithink that the committee did a very good job in securing the rates that they did .Let us all now rally behind them as the rates are dependent on the numbers.
So here's to Reunion 2015
Thora Best 74

Saturday, January 17, 2015

RE: Condolence

Please express my condolence to Joan Brathwaithe on the passing of her brother. May the God of all comfort strengthen you at this very difficult time.
Euline Fox-Peters (70-72)

Friday, January 16, 2015

RE: O Mausica

My Dear Friends (Mausica Family)
Wishing you the very best and many blessings in 2015.
Please find attached an invitation to reunite and rekindle.
Come an be updated on Reunion 2015;  We are also collecting Registration and downpayment for the Reunion at the Brunch.
Hope to see you there. Let us know if you coming.
Carol (Weekes) Brown 74

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Date - July 19th - 25th 2015
Venue - Royal Decameron Montego Beach, Montego Bay, Jamaica
Registration Fee (non-refundable) - TT$350.00/US$60.00 per person
Return airfare on Copa Airlines Trinidad/Jamaica/Trinidad, transfers to and from airport, 6 nights all-inclusive hotel accommodation, cocktail reception, dinner on the last night - TT$8809.00 per person
6 nights all-inclusive hotel accommodation, cocktail reception, dinner on the last night - TT$4908.00 per person. These persons are responsible for their own travel arrangements.
Registration Forms and payment details will be posted next week.
Deadline for payment of Registration Fee of TT$350.00 and down payment of TT$1500.00 - January 31st 2015.
Please refer to Weekly Emails of July 25th and September 26th 2014, January 2nd and 9th 2015 for more information.
Angela McAlister 72

RE: Sadness in Families

Dear Errol,
I would like to connect with the families of Linda and Joan, part of our Mausica Family.  I sent Linda a message after the posting of the death of her son.  The pain of a mother in such circumstances lasts a long time, no matter the circumstances.  Linda just know that you and your family will be constantly in our prayers.
Joan Braithwaite lost a brother.  His funeral is today (Friday) at St. Stephen's Anglican in Princes Town.  Really wish that we could be there with you Joan.  Claudia and Claudina send their prayers to you and your family.  We will continue to cover you in prayer.
Arrangements for our Reunion 2015 is on the way.  I want here to wish all of the Mausica Family a successful reunion and I know that whereever Mausicans go, a good time follows.  Success and happiness to all.  I am anxious to find out where we will be in 2017.  Keep me in the loop.  Maria
Anna Maria Mora 70

RE: Fw: Condolences to two friends from my year group at Mausica

RE: Fw: Condolences to two friends from my year group at Mausica
Errol the title should read " Condolences to two friends from my year group at Mausica". (64-66)
--- On Thu, 1/15/15, Joan Brathwaite wrote:
From: Joan Brathwaite
Subject: Condolences t two friends from my year group at Mausica
Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015, 8:45 AM
Dear Errol
I would like to send condolences to Pearla Brathwaite-James  (64-66) on the death  of her niece and also to Megan Welch of Grenada (64-66) on the death of her mother. May their souls rest in peace.
Joan Parris- Brathwaite (66-66)

RE: Condolences t two friends from my year group at Mausica

Dear Errol
I would like to send condolences to Pearla Brathwaite-James (64-66) on the death of her niece and also to Megan Welch of Grenada (64-66) on the death of her mother. May their souls rest in peace.
Joan Parris- Brathwaite (66-66)

RE: bereavement

Once again the Mausican family is plunged into mourning. Joan Brathwaite's brother, Dave Parris, will be buried at 2.00pm on Friday 16th January, 2015. The funeral service will be held at St Stephen's A.C Church, Princes Town.
To the Parris and Brathwaite families condolences are extended as we lift them up in our prayers. May Light Perpetual shine upon them. May he rest in peace.
Clare Creese-Woodley 70-72

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

RE: Going home

Ilis Welsh, mother of Megan Welsh (1964 - 1966) passed away in Grenada on Sunday January 11, 2015.
Megan was one of the students from Grenada and she was a member of the committee which put on the fabulous Spice Isle Reunion in 2009.
The Canadian connection extends heartfelt sympathy to Megan and her family.
Megan's email address is -
Sent from my iPad
"And this too will pass"
Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

Monday, January 12, 2015

RE: Reunion 2015

Happy 2015! And may this be the year for peace, unity, tolerance, forgiveness, and kindness. I do applaud the organizing committee for the time and effort put into planning 2015 reunion. So a big, thank you!
I am also very interested in attending this 2015 reunion but would like to see a show of hands from the 1966 graduating year. How many of you, my former colleagues, are planning to be in attendance?
On a different note, since I would be travelling from Vancouver, it would be to my advantage to extend my trip. Has anyone thought of visiting a neighbouring island, say Cuba, perhaps?
Kindest regards,
Bernadette Pierre '66

Sunday, January 11, 2015


I share Ms. Woodley's sentiments regarding the manner in which the vote for a cruise-reunion was dismissed.  After an "informed source" tried to share the views of the committee (I think) with me about the impracticality of that venture, I watched the blog for details that never came.  I am sure that the decision would have been taken after careful consideration and advice, but we have some cruise connoiseurs among us whose two-cents worth might have had value, too.
Nevertheless, a resort is a viable option, and "Ah love mih (life)," so see you at Montego Bay, God willing.
Melvina Dick 75

Friday, January 09, 2015


Dear Errol,
I was about to write to my fellow Mausicans wishing all a Happy New Year when I read on Facebook of Linda's loss of her son. My heart goes out to her and my prayers are with her at this time. I know she is a woman of immense courage and will weather this storm,but it is heart wrenching and I know all Mausicans extend our love to her at this trying time. The loss of a child  is never easy for a mother.
Claire, I sense your disappointment and anger over the summary cancellation of the cruise proposal after agreement, and I am sure you are not alone in that. You are not alone in that feeling ,but I do hope that you can move on from that initial reaction and join us in Montego Bay in July. We love you and would dearly miss you if you do not join us.
Despite the dire predictions on our economy, let's all do our part to make Trinidad and Tobago the wonderfully blessed country that God intended us to be. I am currently in Orlando enjoying being with my entire family and thanking God for all His blessings and even His challenges. I return to reality and Trinidad on Sunday. Do wish me well with my training programmes  which begin at Cascadia Hotel next week Thursday with Implementing International Standards in Youth ( Juvenile ) Justice and the following week with Introduction to Restorative Practices , Using Circles Effectively and Facilitating Restorative Conferences. These programmes train persons who interact with  children in the international  standards and principles for treating with youths and shows that the emphasis should be on diverting youths from court before they have broken the law and after they have broken the law. It is my hope that soon we will understand that the punitive approach to dealing with children at risk and child offenders has not worked and will not work and that we need to place greater emphasis on prevention, supporting families and  rehabilitation and reintegration of child offenders.
I was abroad for Mrs. Cuffie's birthday on January 6, but I am sure some of you were able to visit with her. I will try to see her on my return, but since I may be tied up with my training programmes and leave again for Geneva the day after my programmes end, I may not be able to see her until February. Do drop in and check on her, if you can.
Love and peace to all  fellow Mausicans. Be happy and safe. 2015 will be a GREAT year if only you believe.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70


Let me echo the sentiments of all the NewYear Greetings. 2015 is here and with it all the happy/sad feelings that come with excitement and uncertainties.  We are Mausicans: "Loyal and True."  We must "stand guard" for our beloved country now as we did for Mausica then.  Trinidad and Tobago needs is now as it always did. We do not only have porous borders on our seas, but also around our homes and communities. Be vigilant. Be safe. Be careful.
I sent Linda my condolences and assured her that God's Strength, and our prayers and love continue to hug and console her at this time. This is never easy for a mother and family, no matter the circumstance. Maria
Anna Maria Mora 70

Thursday, January 08, 2015


Please note this update.
1. The down payment has been revised to TT$ 1500.00 per person. This is to be paid to Lazzari and Sampson by January 31st 2015 as deposits to the hotel and COPA.
2. The Registration Fee of TT$350.00/US$60.00 per participant should also be paid by January 31st.
3. The cost per person for those who are not travelling from Trinidad is TT$4908.00. Remember you are responsible for your travel arrangements to and from Jamaica.
4. The Dutch Brunch on Sunday 25th January 2015 will be held at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva from 11.00am. For more info. please call the following:
Howard Spencer - 4737185; Carol Brown - 7245714; Phyllis Mottley - 7774015; Angela McAlister - 4877705.
Regards to all. Be safe.
Angela McAlister 72

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

RE: Codolences

My Fellow Mausicans,
On Tuesday morning, I received one of those "bad news calls".  I waited patiently for the caller to share the news.
Linda Edwards, our lecturer, mentor and friend, informed me that her older son, Larry, had died.
Many of you from 66-68 would remember Linda's two sons, Larry and Nigel,  driving their noisy plastic cars all over the Mausica campus.
It is with deep sympathy that I convey the sad news to the Mausican family.
Please join me in sending our condolences to Linda and her family.
Linda lives in Houston, Texas.
May Larry rest in peace and the Good Lord comfort  all  those who grieve.
Rodney Foster 66-68

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Re: Reunion 2015

To the Organising Committee Reunion 2015
Thanks for finally letting the secret out for all and sundry. This is to inform you that as a matter of principle I would not be attending the Reunion 2015. I was one of the persons who voted for a cruise, which was the option that tallied the most votes (if my memory serves me right). This option was discarded without details being fully sourced and disseminated to members.
Best wishes for a fun-filled Montego Bay.
Clare Creese-Woodley 72

Monday, January 05, 2015


A happy new year to the Mausican Family. I had a wonderful time in the Ft. Lauderdale area during the Christmas season with fellow Mausicans Hudson Phillips, Kamal Abdool and Rudolph Karamath. It was the first time seeing Karamath since leaving Mausica in 1974......we took a drink to happiness, we took a drink to memories, we took a drink for old time sake; we had a wonderful evening. (Picture enclosed)
I look forward to our gathering in Montego Bay in July. I also want to commend the committee on obtaining the vacation package at that price. It is a great deal. A four day, three-night stay at an all-inclusive hotel in the area cost more than the price of this trip. There are two lower priced hotels across the street from the Dcamaron - Gloustershire and Doctor's Cave. They are both more expensive that this, without the food and the "all you can drink" offer. In addition, you are on the beach and within walking distance to downtown Montego Bay.
For those wishing to tour the island, we can make local arrangements. A visit to Dunns River Falls and rafting on the Matha Brae River are two must do activities. Climbing the falls can be very strenuous for most people our age. The hotels normally provide excellent night time entertainment and Margaritaville is within walking distance.
Former lead singer of Byron Lee and the Dragoneers, Cindy Lewis a fellow Trinbagonian, lives in the area (Ah hear she from Gasparilo). Her son, DJ Crazy Neil, is an exponent of Soca music in the area.
My wife looks forward to showing you around her hometown.
Carlston A. Gray 74

Saturday, January 03, 2015


I think they should check that flight information again because Caribbean Airlines does fly to Montego Bay though not directly. There is a stopover at Kingston. If you fly Copa there is a stopover in Panama.
Felix Edinborough 65

Friday, January 02, 2015

RE: Happy New Year 2015

Many Blessings to you Errol for the New Year.  Wishing my fellow Mausicans a very Happy New Year.  Looking forward to our Reunion in Jamaica in July.
Blessings to all.
Janet(Penny Gumbs)Lashley. 1964-66


Maureen and I and Neville and Versil wish to associate ourselves with Joy's sentiments and do wish to reiterate, once again, our collective best wishes for you and your family for a successful and prosperous 2015 and beyond.
Austin Warner 65

Thursday, January 01, 2015


We know some of you wanted a Christmas function and others want one for Carnival, so there will be a Brunch on Sunday 25th January 2015 at a venue  still to be decided.
It will be a Dutch 'Chrisval' (Christmas/Carnival) Brunch. Ladies bring eats and men bring drinks.
Stay tuned for more information.
The Registration fee for Reunion 2015 can be paid at this function.
A number of alumni are not receiving these emails, so please remind your College mates that they must let Errol know if they want to continue receiving the weekly emails. Remember this is a sure means of getting info. to each other.
Angela McAlister 72


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May the Lord bless us and keep us in this year ahead.
Yes there is a Reunion this year and the details follow.
Date - 19th -25th July 2015
Venue - Royal Decameron Montego Beach Hotel, Montego Bay, Jamaica
Cost - (i) Non-refundable Registration TT$350.00/US$60.00 per person is payable by all participants. This will offset the cost of tokens, shirts, name tags, programmes, incidentals.
(ii) TT$ 8809.00 per person double occupancy. This includes the following:
1. Return airfare on Copa Airlines - Trinidad/Jamaica/Trinidad. (Caribbean Airlines does not fly to Montego Bay).
2. Transfer Airport/Hotel, Hotel/Airport
3. 6 nights at hotel -all-inclusive concept
4. Area for group membership registration and cocktail
5. Dinner for the group at one of the a la carte restaurants on the last night
This package is organized by Lazzari and Sampson, to whom a down payment of half the cost is to be paid by January 31st 2015 in order to secure our plane seats.
The cost per package for persons who are not travelling from Trinidad will be posted next week. You will be responsible for your travel arrangements to and from Jamaica.
Only the Registration fee is to be paid to the Organising Committee;  all other payments are to be made to Lazzarri and Sampson.
Tours are optional and the cost will be additional. These are still to be decided.
Registration Forms/arrangements for payments will be posted soon.
Enjoy the rest of the Season and  please be safe.
Angela McAlister
For and on behalf of the Organising Committee
Angela McAlister 72