Sunday, November 30, 2014

RE: We should know our fellow Mausicans

Hi Errol
I had a thought come to me recently.I know the names of most of my 66-68 gps along with our 2nd yr  and later on the 1st yrs .Also members of our renowned choir as I was in this cynosure team.But since leaving Trinidad,I seem to know absolutely nothing re my former college mates.I would like all Mausicans ,via our present correspondence system organized by you,to give us a synopsis of what has transpired in their lives since graduation, up to the present.A few photos thrown in would remind us of the person .
I know Rodney is into insurance and writing,Felix was or is a school principal and mask creator,Andre was or is the president of sec school basketball,Selwyn Thompson was or is with the Agri Dev Bank,the achievements of Efebo is well documented.These few examples shows our class mates excelling in all walks of life.
It needs to be brief ,not more than 250 words  with about 4-5 pics or thereabouts.
In this way we will be able to be reintroduced to our former friends and so encourage more interaction on our website.
Bye for now and God's blessings to us all....always.
Love to all....Ivan Ragoonanan(66-68)

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