Monday, November 03, 2014

RE: Carnival 2015

In response to the invitation regarding "The Word and Associates" Carnival extravaganza, I would like to suggest that perhaps, those able-bodied and young at heart masqueraders of our Mausica fold would consider lending support to "The Word and Associates" by choosing to join them.
We know that Carnival is a time when revelry making allows us to meet every need of heart, soul, mind and body. So, regular Carnival lovers/seekers why not seize this opportunity to enjoy a mini reunion?
What better opportunity do we have, as elders, to show our solidarity and to be exemplary models of appropriate conduct and self respect? I think that this may be a rare chance to act as a unified force in celebrating camaraderie in a dignified and  respectable manner.
Thanks for extending the invitation and for giving us an alternative, Felix. A moment for us to revisit and enjoy memories of tradition in the past.
Bernadette Pierre 66

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