Friday, March 07, 2014

RE: Mausican - Canadian film proucer

The in-production story about the 9th Floor!
Mennen and I met with Selwyn Jacob (Yacos) who is the producer of a film about the student protest at Sir George Williams university in Montreal which occurred 45 years ago.  Rosie Douglas who subsequently became the Prime Minister of Dominica was one of the students.  Selwyn is interviewing some of the students who now live in Trinidad and who had either participated in the protest or were around at the time.  I think he leaves Trinidad on March 11, but his warehouse/studio is at Minshall's warehouse in Chagaramus.  The film is funded by the National Film Board of Canada. The link below gives details about the film which I heard would be aired in Trinidad.
"and this too will pass"
Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

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