Friday, March 07, 2014


So sorry to hear about Dr. Timothy. He was one of the few men I knew who was supportuve of the Mausica Beautification Project I started while I lived there. He gave advice on plants, and supplied me with tomato plants for my home garden, which bore fruit weighing nearly a pound_ Ponderosa. I have looked for them since.NAda. Mrs. Timothy's email is She may still be able to read mail as you can magnify the print on most computers.
I went to renew my driver's licence in my home town ysterday, Houston , Texas, and am pleased to report that I passed the eye test without glasses at 73, that's not too bad.All those veggies I eat must be helping.
The cute little boy child named Larry, my second son, who roamed the campus with his brother and Charmaine Maundy 1967-69, is currently in hopital with heart problems. So is my sister in Trinidad.(All the family on my mother' side die of heart issues). Please keep the Edwards family, children of Elaine and Emmanuel in your prayers.
I cannot wait to get back into my garden. After the ice storm of Monday,3rd MArch, I had to clear some branches off my roof.
Stay well, all, stay prayerful.Pray in particular for Trinidad and Tobago. We are not the Ukraine, nor Venezuela, nor the Democratic Republic of Congo, but we need to be watchful and prayerful.
Lina Edwards Romain--------------------------------------------
Linda Edwards Romain
Lecturer in English and History

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