Thursday, October 10, 2013

RE: You won't believe this....

Hello Errol,
You remember what I said a few weeks ago – you never know here you might run into a Mausican – well, check out the stories below:
The day before the Alumni Awards Ceremony in Edmonton, I attended a reception sponsored by the Dean of the Faculty of Education for the Education graduates who were receiving awards. I did an impromptu interview with a young bubbly student reporter, who told me after the interview that I sounded just like her favourite Geography (or Forestry ?) professor. Where are you from? she asked. I am from Trinidad, I replied. He’s from Trinidad, too, she added. What’s his name? I asked. Dr. Pete Hall, she said.
I almost blurted out, He’s a Mausican! Because you (Errol) had previously confirmed on the blog that Pete Hall is another Mausican living/working in Edmonton. I told her that we had attended the same college in Trinidad. She couldn’t believe the coincidence, and neither could I.  Check out the link below – the clip is the second of three on the link. I have never met Pete Hall, but those of you who know him, might be able to let me know if he does sound like me. Keep up the good work, Pete, and keep the Mausica flag flying!
The next night, I spotted Paul Lewis in the audience at the Awards ceremony. I got to know Paul at this year’s reunion in T&T. He was there with his camera and  armed with a 300mm lens. He found out about the event on the blog the day before and drove all the way from Calgary to attend. Paul took the photos that were on the blog last week. A big THANK YOU to Paul for his efforts, especially since he did this without my asking. Your action reinforces the notion that the Mausica family is alive and well, wherever, and whenever.
Selwyn Jacob 65

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