Saturday, July 27, 2013


Hi fellow Mausicans,
The 2013 reunion has been such a wonderful experience, that I cannot wait for our next "todoo". What an experience for my wife , who is not Mausican nor Trinbagonian.
I though that the Saturday brunch with the 1971-1975 group will be the highlight of my reunion, but was I wrong. The Mausica campus never seemed so good to me. I enjoyed every monent of it. Just being there with old friends was satisfying.
Old age caused me to miss the Nature day (rest day). Never been to the beach in Point Fortin, and although I did not take a dip in the water, it was another well planned day. The views from Sando hill and the breakfast was fit for this king.
The best was saved for last......great finale.
When and where is the next even......ah ready, ah ready.
Carlston A. Gray 74

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