Monday, July 22, 2013


Dear Errol,
I am so sorry to learn of Samdaye's passing. I always remember her pleasant smile. She and Shyam made a lovely couple and I was very fond of them. She was my second year at Kirkendale and we watched the romance blossom. I hurt for them and with them when they lost a child some years ago. May she rest in peace. My condolences to Shyam.
Well, believe it or not, the long-awaited reunion begins tomorrow. Hope to see many of you during the week. I am still trying to persuade some from my year group to attend. We never have a large turnout. Ah well... can't win them all.
Those of you who may have written me and not received a response , please understand that it is not that I have deliberately ignored you but my yahoo took on a mind of its own some months ago. Most mail goes into trash and if I do not respond immediately,like I am doing now, it disappears, so I opened a new account
Peace and love,
Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70

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