Wednesday, May 22, 2013


My Fellow Mausicans,
At Reunion 2011 in New York, we did some Networking. There was a Network Center at which Mausicans showcased their goods and services.
I suggest we have such a center when we "Return To Mausica". The area where we use to setup the bar in the foyer would be ideal.
Therefore, bring your books , art, business cards etc and let us network.  Remember tuh walk with some cash to support those who have items to sell.
In honor of our 50th anniversary, my books and CDs will be 50% off.
Caton, Brenda, Zennie, Selwyn, Alisford, Pat and others bring your goods and services to the Mausica Marketplace.
Let's decorate the foyer with our Hostel flags and colors. Wear your hostel colors.
Look fuh me in yellow and red. Sunset Villa and de Haven.
Can anyone put their hands on those 8 milimeter films and a projector? Remember Scobie marching on Sports Day, especially wen yuh reverse de film. Yuh would laugh until yuh wet yuhself.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 68

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