Friday, May 31, 2013


I am presently compiling a list of Mausicians who would have taught in schools of  Point Fortin and its environs. Can you post this for quick responses? School .........., Approximate Date ........ or Period of Time ........ Cutty Matthew
Cuthbert Matthew 69


Although I agree with Rodney re a plaque let us remember that the college is now in other hands and we have to get permission for anything like that. Let us seek the necessary permission.
Felix Edinborough 65


I agree with Pat. In many coutries, students do not have to be assessed in the way ours do at the tender age of 11-12. There is a great amount of stress for parents, students and teachers and maybe this can contribute to the outbursts and 'out of control attitude of our people'. But bear in mind that other factors too contribute to this. I believe that conflict resolution should start at an early age in TT.
Just and addition to Pat's idea.
Wingate-  '73-'75
Seeta Mohammed 75

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Fellow Mausicans
Linda's poem on last week's blog, which I had read before, is a salutary example of the commonsense attitude and stance of a father giving a no nonsense a message to a young pretender.  I say this in the light of events that took place in a school setting in Trinidad yesterday, Tuesday May 28th
After the unfortunate event, there was talk about "anger management" and possibly other Band Aid solutions.  Too late... older persons appear to have kicked the ball of family values and discipline into the forest.  They set poor examples which teach a lasting lesson while telling young people not to do likewise.
I have said it before, sending a letter to at least three newspaper Editors a few years ago (not one thought it worthy of printing.)  The message was that school alone, even acting with the support of some parents, cannot accomplish a task in which Community has to invest and be actively involved.  I called for a move away from classifying some schools a "prestige" and working to equip ALL schools well, so that the hours spent on the roads in the early and late hours of the day to get tired children to and from school would be avoided, because parents /guardians would have no problem with a community based school which was not in unequal competition with others.
School and community would be familiar with each other and emerging situations would be more easily defused.  What happened on Tuesday was not an overnight event.
Please colleagues, remember Linda's suggestion that we bring books to be presented to NALIS as part of our reunion outreach activities.  See you in Trinidad and Tobago, God willing.  Pat ( Kirkendale 63-65)
Pat Ryan 65

Monday, May 27, 2013

RE: Reurn to Mausica

My Fellow Mausicans,
Today is Memorial Day in the USA. It's a day that the country demonstrates its thanks to all those who served the country in all the wars in which the United States participated.
As we prepare to return to the campus of our beloved MTC, countless memories will flood our minds. As Mr. Mangatal, a  Literature teacher, used to say, " If only these walls could talk, what great tales they would tell."
On Saturday night, a thought came to my restless mind.
Let's dedicate a plaque to the memory of MTC. Place it right next to the plaque that celebrated the opening  of MTC, in 1963. Our graduates have the resouces and talent to make it a reality on July 23rd, 2013.
Scratchie, my Havenite Brother, would you kindly contact Sto, my Red Guard  Brother, Meighoo and all those other builders, contractors , artists and financiers and  design a fitting  tribute to Mausica Teachers College. Scratchie yuh could even organize a Kaiso contest for this auspicious occasion.
Yes man, let the creative juices of Mausicans flow. Fellas and Sisters come prepared to dance and sing in HMJ Hall. Bring all your musical instruments and we will make all the walls of Mausica talk on July 23rd. Design a big Happy Anniversary card so that all attendees could sign.
I'll stop here for now.
Thanks to my cousin, Carlston Gray, for brainstorming with me. He informed me that we have another cousin, Millicent's daughter,  working at the campus.
As usual.
Rodney Foster 68


I don't understand your figures......what is the second one
'take time to laugh for it is the  music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan 72

RE: Kariwak booking

Hi Dear Friend,
I spoke with Alan and this is what he told me was his special offer at Kariwak for the reunion:
 with breakfast - breakfast and dinner
Single -  $608  818
Double    698   1,118
Triple      858   1,488
Based on a minimum of 3 night booking.
Felix Edinborough 65

Friday, May 24, 2013

RE: Meh nostalgia settin in

I'm getting all chokychoky reading the mail, especially since I won't be here. Two of my children decided that this is the time for their contributions to the human race, so I've given my space to someone else. Enjoy!!!!!!
Angela (Weatherhead) Jarvis 73

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


My Fellow Mausicans,
At Reunion 2011 in New York, we did some Networking. There was a Network Center at which Mausicans showcased their goods and services.
I suggest we have such a center when we "Return To Mausica". The area where we use to setup the bar in the foyer would be ideal.
Therefore, bring your books , art, business cards etc and let us network.  Remember tuh walk with some cash to support those who have items to sell.
In honor of our 50th anniversary, my books and CDs will be 50% off.
Caton, Brenda, Zennie, Selwyn, Alisford, Pat and others bring your goods and services to the Mausica Marketplace.
Let's decorate the foyer with our Hostel flags and colors. Wear your hostel colors.
Look fuh me in yellow and red. Sunset Villa and de Haven.
Can anyone put their hands on those 8 milimeter films and a projector? Remember Scobie marching on Sports Day, especially wen yuh reverse de film. Yuh would laugh until yuh wet yuhself.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 68

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Judith has noted the slacking of  re blog material. There are things In want to know but have not v[been able to get responses so here goes:
What became of the Kirkendale Flag (designed and made by pioneers and certainly left behind in 1965.  Its colours are green and white and featured the name of the hostel.   I would love to see even a photo of said flag.
Pat Ryan 65


Allyuh is someting else oui!!!!  Oh mih lard dem tunes and dem. Look trouble on 26th July.  Hope dat dey eh polish d floor too much.  Hyatt wouldn't know what hit it.  We cyah slide as we used to eh Rodney. 

Ah only jokin' bwoy.    Allyuh bringing out allyuh polyester and tight pants?   Ah cyah wait.   Ah fallin out of mih chair right now.  Joan B, yuh have yuh hairdresser researchin' d Carmen Jones, what hairstyle is dat yuh have in dem pictures in d album? An yuh bringin' out d gloves, stockins' an satin.   Fellas d barbers dese days dh know nutten bout "muff" and an "high top."
Anna Maria Mora 70

Monday, May 13, 2013


My Fellow Mausicans,
A million Eurekas!
Thanks to Atiba Senghor, I found the Original Version of "Samba Pa Ti"  played by Carlos Santana, on You Tube!
That was the version that my fellow Mausican  danceros and senioritas danced to in HMJ  Hall.
I remember some of meh pardnahs: Beck, Braf, Sweetface, Gizmo, Caton, my roommates Cox and Carlsbury,Clive,Glenville, Andre and Gerry C. We use tuh run competition. Like Dancing With The Stars.Boy dem girls coulda real dance: Heather, Irma, Joy Reid, Agatha, Monica., Cherrie, the late Carol Burnettl Cook, Lacey, Annette, Claudette and Linda H.
Those were exciting times. Mausica was the best place to be. Long live the memory MTC.
Many thanks to the staff and Pioneers for laying the foundation of excellence.
DJ Phillo, yuh have tuh play "Samba Pa Ti "  and "Black Magic Woman ' by Santana, back tuh back.
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 66-68


Rodney, what you mean by "people will fall in love again? I never fall out of love... since Mausica.
Felix Edinborough 65


Hi Lashley
I usually get my husband"s emails. What is happening 26th July? Please let me know
Nika for Cecil Goomansingh 70

Friday, May 10, 2013


Have you ever heard the version by Carlos Santana?
Atiba Senghor 72


Hi Errol,
As usual, thanks for keeping us connected. This a real great service you provide for people like me who go to the Mausica Emails every Friday morning. I was observing that the regular bloggers are not contributing as before. What's up? There are so many issues in Trinidad and Tobago that we can respond to, eg. the CAL situation, the stealing of the pensioners' cheques, our first sextuplets, not forgetting the Jack Warner saga-OH gawd oh! We can even talk about our upcoming reunion.
God Bless Mausicans and Mausica!
Judith Lennard ('70-'72)

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

RE: Samba Pa ti

Eureka! Eureka! I found my Mausica "wife tune". Google is something else.
It's "Samba Pa Ti" by Fausto Papetti.
I know my DJ Phillo must have that tune.
People will fall in love again at the Hyatt on July ,26th. 2013.
As usual,
Rodney Foster, 66-68.

Friday, May 03, 2013

RE: reminder

Today is Friday 03 May, 2013.
The bolts have been thrown and the key has been turned, alas my friends the deadline is at hand. We have exercised due patience and so to those who missed the boat we say better luck next time.
In other words it is time for us to move on and deal with other urgent matters.
Thanks for the interest shown.
Organising Committee
Clare Creese-Woodley 72