Friday, September 30, 2011


Hey Amir, where were you and your guitar hiding all this while?  Good to hear of you, Denison, Sita, Manny and Surrendra.  Hope that all you happily-retired people will be an awesome part of the 2013 reunion.  Do you not remember that we, graduates of 1975, planned our own ceremony at The Scarlet Ibis Hotel, when The Cuff refused to "graduate us"?
Looking forward to some sweet guitar music in 2013.  Hello to the others, please.
Melvina Dick

1 comment:

amirjairam said...

Hi Melvina, thanks for the 'hailout'. Great to hear from a fellow nineteenseventyfiver. Still plucking the strings and not retired yet. Still have a few terms left.

Best wishes and thank you for the acknowledgement.

Great site here !!!