Friday, March 25, 2011

RE: Big Apple Mausica Reunion 2011

Dear Fellowmembers,
Greetings........Helloooooooo.......Hear ye! Hear ye!.....  The Reunion is still on, people!!
The Planning Committee is hoping to receive an "avalanche" of responses in the coming weeks.
Pioneers, we were hoping that you would set the pace here , especially if we wish to keep this Reunion affair going!   Whatshappening?
If you are interested in accommodation at the Long Island Marriott, we are in the process of acquiring a group rate with the hotel but we must secure at least 10 bookings. So far , we have only 3 requests. I will forward a group code as soon as this is acquired.
Members have been asking if all the money should be paid at once. We are willing to work with everyone so we would be happy if you send in the registration fee and indicate on page 3, the events in which you wish to participate. In so doing, we would have a clearer indication when making reservations.
We are working relentlessly to have a great Reunion but we need your cooperation.
Thanks to those who have sent in their payments. We assure you of a super duper time in New York.
Take "advantage" of this stage!!!!
With warm wishes,
The Planning Committee
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

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