Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am circulating Anna Maria's message to Guyanese friends here. Can we go to Cuba before 2010?... I don't know why I have this "urgency of now" and find that 2010 will be beyond my possiblities. I would like to know more about Efebo who sounds really special.
Re Mausica: I believe it is an Amerindian word but we never found out what it meant. Antigua was called Wadadli ,but no one there can say why. Montserrat is ALLIOUAGANA , land of the prickly bush ( acacia which we call CUSHA} Iused to think it was about the Prickly Pear ( Ratchette in Trinidad but was told otherwise)
So Hillary wants to be Barack's VP??? Sounds Very Poisonous to me!
Pat Ryan

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