Monday, May 26, 2008

Re: Mausica related stuff
Hi! Errol,
For some years now, I have been in possession of the full listing of the yr.1965 Mausica Graduating class - ( our pioneer group}, and I also have the same for our 'First Year' group,--the yr.-1966 graduating class. As the mastermind behind the Mausica web site, and the person who has taken on the responsibility for the dissemination of Mausica related informatio, you might be interested in having this comprehensive and full listing of all names. The listing is too much and too long for me to send by e-mail. If you would like a copy, please e-mail me your mailing address and I will dispatch a copy to you promptly. In the meantime, keep up the fine job that you have been doing in keeping us (former Mausicans) informed.
From: Es. (as in Esmond Francois)

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