Monday, May 26, 2008

Re: Mausica related stuff
Hi! Errol,
For some years now, I have been in possession of the full listing of the yr.1965 Mausica Graduating class - ( our pioneer group}, and I also have the same for our 'First Year' group,--the yr.-1966 graduating class. As the mastermind behind the Mausica web site, and the person who has taken on the responsibility for the dissemination of Mausica related informatio, you might be interested in having this comprehensive and full listing of all names. The listing is too much and too long for me to send by e-mail. If you would like a copy, please e-mail me your mailing address and I will dispatch a copy to you promptly. In the meantime, keep up the fine job that you have been doing in keeping us (former Mausicans) informed.
From: Es. (as in Esmond Francois)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am circulating Anna Maria's message to Guyanese friends here. Can we go to Cuba before 2010?... I don't know why I have this "urgency of now" and find that 2010 will be beyond my possiblities. I would like to know more about Efebo who sounds really special.
Re Mausica: I believe it is an Amerindian word but we never found out what it meant. Antigua was called Wadadli ,but no one there can say why. Montserrat is ALLIOUAGANA , land of the prickly bush ( acacia which we call CUSHA} Iused to think it was about the Prickly Pear ( Ratchette in Trinidad but was told otherwise)
So Hillary wants to be Barack's VP??? Sounds Very Poisonous to me!
Pat Ryan

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hi My Peeeple!
How are you all doing? Was in Guyana doing trauma work with the families of the victims of the two " massacres" in Lusignan and Bartica. Guyana "The Land of Many Waters" is so beautiful and so full of potential. If there is a drought they can supply the world with water and their immense rain forests can help to supply the world with oxygen for many years. It is such a beautiful place, but POLITICIANS, POLITICIANS, POLITICIANS, they are beginning to flabbergast me daily. We really cannot depend on them. We have to do whatever needs to be done for our families and communities.
Those Mausicans in the 1968-1970 year group, must remember Sue Badan. I met her recently at the ScienceTechnoFest at the NIHERST Science Musuem. She is retired and keeping up to date with Life, so she was managing the activities. Remember she was a Science major. She gave me her email and would like to be included on the mailing list. She is now Sue Badan Singh.
Her email is Another Mausican who would like to come to Grenada.
I also had an idea, that since Efebo is now the Ambassador to Cuba for the next five years ( I understand, maybe we can have the next reunion in Cuba. What do you all think? Hi Efebo! If you are seeing this. What do you think? Am I being presumptious?
Please someone tell me about Gerry? Conrad, I hope that this is just a rumour. Now seeing this because I was not here. Please tell me what is happening?
Met a girl called Mausica. REALLY, that is her name. Thought that her parents were Mausicans but they are not. Her grandmother is of Spanish background and gave her that name. She said that it means, "Life is full of Music", or something like that. This got me to thinking about the name Mausica, maybe it really means this, because we Mausicans are full of music. Music surrounded us at Mausica. Anybody knows another meaning?
Tlk 2 u sn.
Anna Maria Mora

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thanks for the space Errol. I should have pointed out that the items which preceded the Obama/Clinton paragraphs referred to Montserrat although there might be similar echoes in other places re the first topic of Government maladministration.Thanks too Buzzie for your response re catching up with the new faces at reunions. pat
ps if anyone has a fundraiser item that works really well please share with me... we are rebuilding our Parish Church ( now completely buried in ash and other volcanic material in Plymouth) in the north of the island and need lot$ of ca$h as price$ keep ri$ing!
Pat Ryan

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Re: (MC) this, that ... and the other
I would appreciate some feedback on Mausicans in the USA re the Democratic campaign. If anyone wishes to be private, use my e mail address Arguments on both sides especially welcome.
Very distressed about the CAPE exam scandal in Tand T. Think of the shattered September dreams of so many students who may have to defer their University studies... and the headache of rescheduling exams! SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!
This, that … and the other
I’ve been so caught up in reading a lot of good stuff that comes to us through MConline that I felt it was time to make a contribution, some of my concerns and thoughts on things in general.
Have you noticed how Chief Ministers and Ministers of Government in office seem oblivious to concerns which the general public try to bring to their notice, only to experience the great awakening when they are out of their comfort zone? How many administrations have we gone through since 1986 when Government was mandated to send contributions to Social security on behalf of Civil Servants? And now the same people seem to be only now realising that non- established workers have been a concern of the Civil Service Association for ages now!. What did they even TRY to do about those things? Think about it.
Last October I made a general plea for volunteers to beef up the Special Olympics Association on Montserrat… trainers, fundraisers, transporters, mentors… the list is long and the need is real. I got a positive response from the Optimists and from a member of the Youth Parliament. So far so good, but we need broader commitment. The association exists to serve all persons with special needs on the island, not only the few who are in school. Even if all some of them can do is look on at some of the activities, this gives an added dimension to their lives. We would be thrilled to see the families of all these persons coming out to give their support and give special value to the lives of their children and other relatives.
We want to organise a white elephant sale to raise funds. A white elephant in this case, is an item of some value for which the owner has no use but which another person could put to good use. If you would pass on such items to Special Olympics Montserrat we would be most grateful.
I have been following the election campaign in the USA… whatever eventually happens there will affect us and the rest of the world so I am very interested.
Before I knew Barack Obama and indeed before I came to realise that I did not really know Hillary Clinton, I could see her as the next President of the United States of America. It has been so disappointing to watch her antics in the mad scramble for the nomination. She signed a pledge not to benefit from premature Primaries… this was when she thought the nomination was already in the bag and that no one could stop the coronation. Now she wants the illegal votes… no thought has been given to all those persons in Michigan and Florida who played by the rules and did not go out to vote… only HER votes count! Her vivid memory of sniper fire in Bosnia of which she spoke on more than one occasion… an event which NEVER happened, was absolutely shocking. Her supporters seem to have passed this off as a series of “senior moments “.
The much touted Dream Ticket would be Obama’s greatest nightmare. How could Hillary Clinton have a running mate whom she keeps on saying is inexperienced and not ready to lead… remember the “heartbeat away from the Presidency “ ? Bill and Hillary could spend Obama’s first 4 years in the White House trying to bring him down. Barack Obama would need eyes all around him to dodge sniper attacks! Why does this campaign within the Democratic Party make me keep thinking of Shakespeare’s MACBETH ? Roll on November. I need my sleep!
Pat Ryan

On Friday May 9th, 2008 an ad appeared on page 52 of the Trinidad Express newspaper. It is an attempt to bring together the last two residential groups.
Herbert Garvin

Hi Errol,
Am I reading these messages correctly? Did Gerry Callender die? The same Gerry Callender who was at the Tobago reunion? Please tell me I am wrong.
Irmin Lewis-McKenzie
Mausican - 65-67
Hi Pat,
I think this is a great team up with someone we are meeting for the first time. I am guilty too of only hanging out with those whom I already know. Hope we could implement this in Grenada. I'll be a willing participant.
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath
Re: E-mail List
Please add to e-mail list:
Cecil SpringE-mail Address(es):
Haydn Murray

Saturday, May 03, 2008

I would love to meet more Mausicans of the later College years at the next reunion which should take place in Grenada. We tend to gravitate to our year group ( GUILTY!) but we should also try to get to know others. I see names that I do not recognise, having lived in Trinidad only one year between 1968 and 1972. Maybe for a half day in Grenada we could each team up with someone we're meeting for the first time... other ideas? Also during the summer of 1910 those of us who can be there or can make it to Trinidad should do something tangible with the young people of Anna Maria's programme. Some feedback on both please.
Pat Allum Ryan
Thanks to all for their condolences on the passing of my dear sister. I will miss her beautiful spirit however, there is much to remember and cherish.
See you all in Grenada!!!!!!
Kay Cyrus (Thomas 64-66)
Hello Errol,
Do you have a telephone # or mailing address for the Ransomes?
Michael Ransome was from my year group, 66-68.. He was a founding member of the Glory Guys. He was strong, brilliant and jovial. May he rest in peace.
Mr. Callender was a most unforgettable person. His memory was fantastic and I enjoyed sitting and talking with him. Never seemed in a rush and had a good sense of humor. It was both a pleasure and a blessing knowing him.
Have a good week, my fellow Mausicans.
As usual,
Rodney Foster

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Re: Another Mausican
Hi Errol,
Another Mausican has gone to the great beyond!
Michael Ransome ( '66-'68)died on Sunday 27th.April,2008. His funeral took place on Wednesday 30th.April,2008 at Belgrove's Crematorium, San Fernando.Condolences to his wife Claire Thomas- Ransome ( '68- '70) [ I think] and their 3sons and daughter, Hayley.
Eternal rest grant unto him!!
Carol Burnette-Cook

Re: mini reunion
The reunion is being held from June 7 - 8.. June 7 is the boat cruise, June 8 is a brunch at someone's home. Please let me know if you plan to attend the mini reunion in NY. Buzzie has tickets for the boat cruise and she wants to know how many to reserve for us. So far we have reserved 3 tickets. Florence and I will be driving to Buffalo on the morning of June 7 to fly out and return on Sunday June 8 in the evening. Anyone wants a ride?
Brenda Alexander-Perez
Hey Errol!! Thanks for all the weekly emails!!1Could you please identify this famous couple !!!!????
Thanks Feizal Mohammed