Re: (MC) this, that ... and the other2008-May-13-2025hrs
I would appreciate some feedback on Mausicans in the USA re the Democratic campaign. If anyone wishes to be private, use my e mail address Arguments on both sides especially welcome.
Very distressed about the CAPE exam scandal in Tand T. Think of the shattered September dreams of so many students who may have to defer their University studies... and the headache of rescheduling exams! SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!
This, that … and the other
I’ve been so caught up in reading a lot of good stuff that comes to us through MConline that I felt it was time to make a contribution, some of my concerns and thoughts on things in general.
Have you noticed how Chief Ministers and Ministers of Government in office seem oblivious to concerns which the general public try to bring to their notice, only to experience the great awakening when they are out of their comfort zone? How many administrations have we gone through since 1986 when Government was mandated to send contributions to Social security on behalf of Civil Servants? And now the same people seem to be only now realising that non- established workers have been a concern of the Civil Service Association for ages now!. What did they even TRY to do about those things? Think about it.
Last October I made a general plea for volunteers to beef up the Special Olympics Association on Montserrat… trainers, fundraisers, transporters, mentors… the list is long and the need is real. I got a positive response from the Optimists and from a member of the Youth Parliament. So far so good, but we need broader commitment. The association exists to serve all persons with special needs on the island, not only the few who are in school. Even if all some of them can do is look on at some of the activities, this gives an added dimension to their lives. We would be thrilled to see the families of all these persons coming out to give their support and give special value to the lives of their children and other relatives.
We want to organise a white elephant sale to raise funds. A white elephant in this case, is an item of some value for which the owner has no use but which another person could put to good use. If you would pass on such items to Special Olympics Montserrat we would be most grateful.
I have been following the election campaign in the USA… whatever eventually happens there will affect us and the rest of the world so I am very interested.
Before I knew Barack Obama and indeed before I came to realise that I did not really know Hillary Clinton, I could see her as the next President of the United States of America. It has been so disappointing to watch her antics in the mad scramble for the nomination. She signed a pledge not to benefit from premature Primaries… this was when she thought the nomination was already in the bag and that no one could stop the coronation. Now she wants the illegal votes… no thought has been given to all those persons in Michigan and Florida who played by the rules and did not go out to vote… only HER votes count! Her vivid memory of sniper fire in Bosnia of which she spoke on more than one occasion… an event which NEVER happened, was absolutely shocking. Her supporters seem to have passed this off as a series of “senior moments “.
The much touted Dream Ticket would be Obama’s greatest nightmare. How could Hillary Clinton have a running mate whom she keeps on saying is inexperienced and not ready to lead… remember the “heartbeat away from the Presidency “ ? Bill and Hillary could spend Obama’s first 4 years in the White House trying to bring him down. Barack Obama would need eyes all around him to dodge sniper attacks! Why does this campaign within the Democratic Party make me keep thinking of Shakespeare’s MACBETH ? Roll on November. I need my sleep!
Pat Ryan