Friday, June 01, 2007

Re: Locating Mausicans
Hi Winston,
Yes, we are from Sobo, Sobo Extension to be exact. If you still have the photos of Jean Reid from the Toronto reunion, that's me she's holding hands and sharing a laugh with. I know Roland, Michael, Mervyn and Marlene Jack from Point D'Or (Ramjallacksingh Street). I don't remember a Mc Ewin, though. I'll ask my brothers. (How come yuh change yuh name-yuh married Miss Dacent!!!)Mr. Reid was my Common Entrance teacher. Mr. Jules was the principal (head master, then) when I was in the infants class, then Frederick, then Trotman. Mr. Telemaque visited when I was in fifth standard and hadn't a clue what a Bachelor of Arts was. I remember thinking he could probably draw really well.
Take care.
Hi Conrad,
I take it that you are from Oropouche. Is your last name Daniel? (NO, I don't know you; it just makes sense that Da should start that name. Nice of you to say Hi.
I love the way this "message board" is bringing poeple together. Thanks, Errol. You probably don't even realize the great deed you're doing.
Melvina Dick

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