Friday, June 29, 2007

Re: Locating Mausicans
Hi Donald,
.. Good to hear from you...blogging, blogging ,blogging away. Well, I spoke to Garvin on two ocassions in the last year. One was when Jean Reid died and the other ocassion was when Dudley died so you follow. I have left a thousand messages for my dear Garvin but to no avail..he doesn't respond. Elmo caught up with him a couple times delivering mail on Flatbush Ave. He was told that there were plans to retire soon and move to Florida. Don't know if that has taken place yet but I still leave messages on his cell phone...
PS..The very first Mausica meeting was held at Garvin's apartment in Brooklyn when I discovered that Garvin lived only a block away from me. That was in March 1993. He attended a Mausica busride to Atlantic City in 1997, I think .. then we lost contact. I have a cell phone number for him. Will do some resaearch and I'll get back to you. See you in Tobago!.
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

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