Saturday, January 06, 2007

I met Jean for the first time at the Toronto reunion and we were drawn to each other. I came to regard her as a kindred spirit, a sister who "mih blood take." I gave her a necklace as a gift at the end of the reunion, it was a token to thank her for just being Jean. She sent me the most beautiful card which read:" Thank you Anna Maria for your tangible demonstration of love and appreciation. You know that I will treasure that necklance for a long (40 years) time. Do keep in touch and if you are in Toronto again let me know. Love you little sister." signed, with address and email address. We kept in touch oftenb. She came to Trinidad last year and got in touch, we spoke on the phone and I went to see her it felt as if we saw each other every day. I am so sad right now. My year began with much saddness. My word for Jean is "TREASURE" Go with God, Dear Jean, God is certainly gathering up his TREASURES.
Anna Maria

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