Tuesday, January 31, 2023

RE: Groups


Dear Mausican,

Good night. On behalf of the Mausica Teachers' Foundation group, I am reaching out to all groups within the Mausican years. Our aim is to put all groups in touch with the Foundation, so that more members can be aware of what is taking place that's Mausican. I would therefore need the name of the group, a person to be contacted and the contact number.

For example, I am aware of the Mausican chat and the Cuban chat and how to get in touch with them, but there are little cells scattered throughout the years with whom we would like to get in touch.

The information can be sent to me at bmmell@yahoo.com. Thanks for your quick cooperation. May 2023 be a wonderful year for us.


Barbara Mellowes 66

Thursday, January 26, 2023

RE: Announcing


What: Reunion 2023

          We'll be celebrating 60 years of MAUSICA


When:   July 17 - 22, 2023

Details will be posted here when they become available.


"and this too will pass"

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

Thursday, January 19, 2023

RE: Reunion 2023


          SAVE THE DATE
                    SAVE THE DATE

REUNION 2023 - Celebrating 60 years of MAUSICA

                   July 17 - 22, 2023

Details to follow

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

RE: Passing of another colleague


Condolences go out to the family of Robbie Richardson who died on Friday January 13th. He was a part of the 1969-1971 year group. He was married to Kathleen Clarke of the 1970-1972 group. He was cousin to Maureen Sotilleo-Providence (1970-1972). May God comfort his family and friends at this time.

Euline Fox-Peters 72



Haven forever.

Good to read what Rodney says here. I had gone two and a half years already at John Donaldson with nothing to show when I decided to switch to Mausica. Irma Cambridge lived next door to me in Marabella so I had heard a bit about the collegue....then there was La Porriden on Bob Gittens every morning.....Darnley Gittens' father.

As to remembrances during the first week I went out to play football  with the second years who were looking for first year "talent" among freshers to replenish the side. Went out with fellow freshers Nazir Khan, Dave Didier, Ho Sing Loy, Roy Jagroopsingh, Gregory Byrne, Kelvin Newton,. I think Hospy (Horatio Hospedales) came in late....but was a very good player.

Second year footballers in the mud included Efebo Wilkinson (Wilkee), Carlsbury Gonzales, Phillip Kendall, Frederick Beckles, Gerald Hernandez, Leslie Grenidge (Horse), Darnley Gittens, Joe Ragoonansingh, Dalton Taitt, Kent Rennie (Geezmo), Carl Caton,

They cut off my muff early in the week so I needed a trim at the weekend. Then somebody said to me "Scratchy we playing Saturday in Arima, and you on the side!

So I said well I have to skip dat because I have to go to Marabella so that Tanty Popo and Uncle Kyran could see dat ah ent dead, because they looked worried when they were leaving that Sunday evening, as dark clouds began to descend over the campus....as they were driven away leaving me behind.

Irma Clarke had a worrying sign that said "nobody died last year". I was disturbed by that sign.

Anyway, there was the fact that I needed a trim, because I had lost my muff to Fairhaven barbers during the first week.

Well the big men on the team say Scratchy you can't go home Saturday, you have to play. You on de side.  And furthermore , we carrying you to see the Joe about this.

Indeed that Friday afternoon at super, before the first week fete, they brought me before the Joe, and lodged their complaint that this is Scratchy, and he want to go home tomorrow, and we have a game.

The Joe looked at me with no pitty, and said well Scratchy you could get your trim in the morning and come back to the campus in time for the game..

I said OK sir.

The whole thing solved. I gone home to Marabella, Tanty Popo shocked to see my head. Went to the barber at Union Junction, then headed right back to sweet Mausica. Played that evening in Arima.

I hardly went home after that. Over the two years.


Theodore Lewis 69

Saturday, January 14, 2023



My dear Rodney, You are terrible! I laughed out so loud at your last line that everyone around wanted to know what had tickled me. My response was " Only a Mausican would understand." Of course, I know of what you speak only from rumour. You may not know it , but we earned the name, "Kirkendale ladies."

That Mausica radio station would qualify as defamation of character. I recall hearing one night: "Calling KIrkendale! Calling Kirkendale! Hazel, send Garth home! " All the poor innocent man was doing was delivering or borrowing some records. Why all yuh so?

Making freshettes say, " I love you, Freddy, very, very much", to a frog, and even kissing the frog and acusing you of hurting Freddy's feelings if you refused to comply was emotional abuse. That is when education began to go downhill. I am not laughing, but do confess to some grinning.

And just imagine having a less- endowed sister recite, while doing stretching arm exercises," I must!  I must! I must. I must increase my breast." I felt sorry for her.The women were just as bad at torture as the men. Mausica was a torture chamber during initiation. So why is nobody looking contrite?  Today, I still regret making Morris Marshall sign up for La Sororitee. I also regret singing the calypso, Mamas without Papas, and thank Noel T. and Ken Parmarsad from rescuing me from the cut tail the gang of women had threatened to put on me that night. And we all know what contest the late Arthur Hume won. Oh! Mausica! What memories we have of you.

Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70

Friday, January 13, 2023

RE: Angels In Our Lives


My Fellow Mausicans,

One of the key experiences in my life occurred when I was selected to attend Mausica Teachers College, in 1966.

Thanks to the founding members of the pioneers, 1963- 1965, and Mr. Fitz James Williams and Mrs Daphne Pilgrim Cuffie who founded The Mausica Teachers Choir.

I heard them singing on the radio stations in Sweet TNT. In 1964, they won the Folk Song Championship. They defeated  La Petite Musical.  I wanted to sing Rice and Peas, Lulu, Sammy Dead and Itanami. I vowed to become a member of that group.

Thanks to my dear friends, Errol  Williams and Harrison Joseph, both now deceased, who informed me " Just get five O Level subjects in Cambridge GCE and apply, English Language included.

Today, I want to send a special shout out to Ken Marshall who was my  High School teacher in Form 4 at Osmond HS in San Juan. I met him again when I enrolled at Mausica in 1966.

Ken, Steve Martin, Donald Walker, Lloyd Brown and Garnet Luke also  taught me how to "dress to impress", lime on Frederick Street and drink Carib beer at Humming Bird on Saturday mornings.

Congratulations to Hazel and Mausicans all over the world  for continuing to " Mold A Nation Through Service".

Aye, hear nah man, is 3:00 am. Ah going and sleep.

Next time ah go thank dem pioneers who carved de north-south track across de tennis court and introduced playing chess without a chess board. Thank you Villa Nova, Wingate and Kirkendale.

As usual,

Rodney Foster 66-68